
Hearings in Chinese drywall suit continued in Orleans Parish


Monday, March 10, 2025

Hearings in Chinese drywall suit continued in Orleans Parish

A hearing on three defense motions in Chinese drywall lawsuit has been continued in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.

Orleans residents John and Rachelle Blue are suing Interior/Exterior Building Supply LP after they allegedly installed defective Chinese drywall in their home. They claim that Interior/Exterior breached implied warranties, are liable for negligence, and fraudulent concealment, among other charges.

New Orleans attorneys Hugh Lambert, Linda Nelson and Cayce Peterson are representing the plaintiffs. The original petition for damages was filed Sept. 29, 2009.

New Orleans attorneys Richard Duplantier Jr., Lambert Hassinger Jr., Carlina Eiselen and Jeffrey Green are representing Interior/Exterior. Interior/Exterior has been named as a defendant in close to 50 drywall cases in Orleans Parish since 2008.

In November 2009, defense counsel filed a third party demand against American company Knauf USA, German companies Knauf Gips KG and Knauf International GmbH and Chinese company Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin.

Interior/Exterior claims that if it's "proven that the drywall sold by Interior Exterior and purchased by plaintiff is defective, then the entities responsible and liable for plaintiff's damages are Knauf USA.

New Orleans attorneys Kerry Miller, Kyle Spaulding and Paul Thibodeaux are representing Knauf USA. Third-party counsel filed motions for exception of jurisdiction and venue and a dilatory exception against Interior/Exterior's third-party demand.

A Sept. 24 hearing on the third-party motions was continued without date.

Orleans Parish Chief Judge Lloyd Medley is presiding over the case.

Orleans Parish Case 2009-09641

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