

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Bozo’s restaurant sued by former owner for breach of contract

GRETNA – A former Jefferson Parish restaurant company that sold to a new owner, but kept possession of the restaurant building and rented it to the new owner, is suing over breach of contract claims.

Bozo’s LLC filed suit against Bozo’s Inc. and Bozo Vodanovich Inc. in the 24th Judicial District Court on Dec. 28.

Bozo’s LLC claims it entered into an agreement to sell the historic Metairie restaurant business to Bozo’s Inc. and Bozo Vodanovich Inc. pursuant to an agreement that the new owners change the name of the restaurant to something not similar to the original name and that they pay all required real estate taxes and lease the restaurant building.

The plaintiff alleges that the defendants rented the restaurant building for $6,000 per month beginning in 2009 and set to end in October 2013. Bozo’s LLC asserts that the defendants purposefully changed the name of the restaurant from Bozo’s to Bozo Vodanovich in opposition to the contract and that they also did not pay real estate taxes as required under the contract.

The defendant is accused of violating the terms of the agreement to buy and sell business and violating the terms of the commercial lease.

Damages are sought in the amount of $250,000, which is half of the original purchase price.

Bozo’s LLC is represented by Chalmette-based attorney Alan G. Bouterie.

The case has been assigned to Division K Judge Ellen Shirer Kovach.

Case no. 722-510.


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