
Public bus passenger sues over alleged injury in fall due to quick start by driver


Monday, March 3, 2025

Public bus passenger sues over alleged injury in fall due to quick start by driver

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GRETNA – A bus passenger is suing after the driver of the bus she had just boarded allegedly failed to wait until she sat down to begin driving, resulting in her being injured in a fall.

Marlene S. Castellano filed suit against John Doe, Transdev Services Inc., Veolia Transportation Services Inc., Jefferson Transit, Jefferson Parish Department of Transit Administration and Old Republic Insurance Company in the 24th Judicial District Court on Sept. 17.

Castellano claims that she was a passenger and had just boarded a bus operated by Veolia Transportation Services Inc. on behalf of Jefferson Transit when the unknown bus driver quickly accelerated causing her to fall to the ground, roll and strike several seats. The plaintiff alleges that the immediate acceleration of the bus created an unreasonable risk of harm.

The defendant is accused of failing to keep a proper lookout, failing to use reasonable care, careless and reckless operation, failing to see what should have been seen, operating the vehicle at an excessive rate of speed, failing to wait until the plaintiff was seated or was holding on and failing to avoid the passenger’s fall.

Damages in excess of $50,000 are sought for mental anguish, physical pain and suffering, medical expenses and permanent injury.

Castellano is represented by Miguel A. Elias of the Kenner-based Law Office of Miguel A. Elias.

The case has been assigned to Division F Judge Michael P. Mentz.

Case no. 742-492.

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