

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pelican Institute argues many legislators ignored 'the real issues' in recent session


Various Louisiana reform groups have been discussing the recent legislative session’s outcome, specifically the bills that were passed versus ones that were killed.

The Pelican Institute for Public Policy commented on the legislative session as a whole.

“Despite the fact that this was an abbreviated legislative session and fall elections are looming around the corner, some of Louisiana's legislators seized the opportunity to offer bold reforms and take important first steps to addressing structural problems in our state,” Renee Amar, vice president of government affairs for Pelican Institute, told Louisiana Record. “Unfortunately, many other legislators decided to ignore the real issues and rearrange the deckchairs on the proverbial sinking ship that is our state.”

Amar pointed out that while the majority of the session was wasted time, there was some progress on areas that require a great deal of attention.

“Though much of the session was spent focused on menial issues, some steps were made toward progress on key issues like tax, budget and occupational licensing reform,” Amar said.  “Meanwhile, several important pieces of legislation aimed at saving money for working families through reforms to Louisiana's burdensome legal system and costly Medicaid expansion program died unceremonious deaths thanks to those determined to protect the entrenched status quo in the Capitol.”

While much can be said about the session, Amar believes that the biggest takeaway from the anticlimactic session is that new, empowered leaders are needed in the state, as they will help to change the status quo

“This is why this fall's elections are so crucial,” Amar said. “When researching candidates, Louisianans must consider whether they want lawmakers who will uphold and defend the business-as-usual approach to state policy or those who will embrace a bold, new vision for jobs and opportunity for everyone in our state."


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