GRETNA – A corporate retailer is being sued by a man who claims he was injured in a slip and fall in a local store.
Jose Portillo-Martin filed suit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in the 24th Judicial District Court on July 7.
Portillo-Martin asserts that on July 8, 2013 he was shopping at the Wal-Mart located at 3520 Williams Blvd. in Kenner when he slipped and fell on liquid left of the floor. The plaintiff alleges he was injured in the incident. Portillo-Martin contends his injuries were due to Wal-Mart’s negligence and carelessness.
The defendant is accused of failing to remove hazards from under the stairs, failing to warn of a dangerous condition under the circumstances, failing to properly inspect the premises under the circumstances, failing to use reasonable care to protect patrons, failing to properly maintain the premises, permitting a hazardous condition to exist, permitting a foreseeable danger, failing to post warning signs, failing to detect and remedy any foreseeable vice and failing to follow policies and procedures.
An unspecified amount in damages is sought for mental pain and suffering, physical pain and suffering, physical disability, medical expenses and loss of enjoyment of life.
Portillo-Martin is represented by Arthur O. Scott of New Orleans-based Riguer Silva LLC.
The case has been assigned to Division P Judge Lee V. Faulkner Jr.
Case no. 740-059.
Wal-Mart sued by man who claims injury from slip in puddle on premises