Letter to the Editor News

Letter to the Editor
Civil justice system doesn't work for all Louisianans
Holiday preparations are in full swing, and no one wants to be on the “bad” list this time of year.

Letter to the Editor
Much more work to do to improve Louisiana's civil justice system
All Louisianans pay the price when the state’s legal system is abused. We hope that more Louisianans will join us in the fight to help end lawsuit abuse and bring more fairness and balance to our civil justice system – for all of us.
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Letter to the Editor
Reaction to J&J verdict: 'Distorts public nuisance law beyond recognition'
Today’s verdict by Judge Thad Balkman that Johnson & Johnson must pay the operating costs of Oklahoma state government as penance for the opioid crisis puts manufacturers of all lawful, but politically unpopular, products at risk.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor: Dangerous precedent being set by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Recent developments in Terrebonne Parish should be alarming to all Louisiana citizens – especially those along the bayou whose local rights are being overstepped by overzealous trial attorneys and state government overreach.
Letter to the Editor
Louisiana needs jobs, not more taxes and lawsuits
Today Louisianans are facing a risk that threatens our economy and perhaps even our way of life: more job-killing taxes and lawsuits.
Letter to the Editor
Katrina settlement might give illusion of levee districts taking responsibility
It’s easy to understand how Ms. Melissa Landy is appalled over the $17 million settlement from Orleans, East Jefferson and Lake Borgne Levee Districts.