GRETNA – A man is suing his business partners who raised cattle together after they alleged sold nearly 100 cattle and did not pay his stake of the proceeds.
Octave Orgeron filed suit against Lee Fritze and Wayne Hemmelder in the 24th Judicial District Court on Oct. 30.
Orgeron contends that in February 2002 he entered into a verbal contract with Fritze and Wayne Hemmelder, as well as Frederick Hemmelder, for the purpose of breeding and selling livestock in which they would provide cattle and he would supply the land fencing and water. The plaintiff asserts that the contract entitled him to 25 percent of all cattle sales. However, Orgeron claims that Frederick Hemmelder transferred his 25 percent interest in the contract to him after suspecting his brother Wayne Hemmelder and Fritze were not adhering to the terms of the agreement.
The plaintiff alleges that between February 2012 and July 2012 Fritze removed 97 cattle from the land and sold them to a stockyard in Baton Rouge, but he was not paid his 50 percent stake.
The defendant is accused of breach of contract.
Damages in the amount of $14,782 plus attorney’s fees and litigation costs is sought by the plaintiff.
Orgeron is represented by Keith A. Conley of New Orleans-based Brandner Law Firm LLC.
The case has been assigned to Division J Judge Stephen C. Grefer.
Case no. 743-870.
Man sues business partners in cattle operation claiming breach of contract