GRETNA – A widow is suing a number of oil companies for allegedly exposing her husband to radiation that later resulted in his contraction of cancer and subsequent death.
Rudolph Rodrigue and Sarah Rodrigue filed suit against Exxon Mobil Corporation, Exxon Mobil Oil Corporation, Chevron USA Inc., Devon Energy Production Company LP, ConocoPhillips Company, BP Products North America Inc., BP America Production Company, Shell Oil Company, Marathon Oil Company, Packard Pipe Terminals LLC, OFS Inc., Atlantic Richfield Company and Tenneco Oil Company in the 24th Judicial District Court on Nov. 12.
Sarah Rodriguez claims that her husband Rudolph Rodrigue was employed by Tuboscope and Tuboscope Vetco from 1972 to 1976 and 1978 to 1986 as well as staffing agencies from 1987 top 2009 in the pipe cleaning yards from in Jefferson Parish. The plaintiff alleges that for several decades her husband was allegedly exposed to Oilfield Generated Radioactivity (OGR) created in the course of oil drilling and that by cleaning the pipes containing OGR and that he breathed in the toxic substance. In 1988, Sarah Rodrigue contends Rudolph Rodrigue was diagnosed with prostate and testicular cancer for which he underwent radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Also, the plaintiff’s husband later developed lung and bone cancer from which he died.
The defendant is accused of failing to warn of the danger, failing to properly supervise pipe cleaning operations, failing to inform the deceased of the dangers of OGR, failing to test the pipes, failing to properly dispose of toxic waste, failing to identify contaminated pipes, failing to properly mark contaminated workplaces and acting in a reckless and negligent manner.
An unspecified amount in damages is sought for the deceased’s contraction of cancer, increased risk of cancer, fear of cancer, damage to physical health, mental anguish, medical expenses, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, loss of income, loss of wage earning capacity and medical monitoring.
Rodrigue is represented by Jeremiah A. Sprague of the Marrero-Based Falcon Law Firm.
The case has been assigned to Division C Judge June Berry Darensburg.
Case no. 744-181.
Widow sues numerous oil companies over husband's death allegedly caused by radioactive materials