

Monday, September 30, 2024

Inmate claiming false arrest hopes to add more deputies to his lawsuit


A Louisiana prison inmate took his accusations of being falsely arrested and brutally beaten to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, hoping to include two more deputies in his lawsuit submitted May 3, according to his filing.

Dwight Harris seeks to add Deputy Mark Giamaria to the lawsuit for allegedly violating Harris’ rights under the Eighth Amendment. Harris accused Giamara of “cruel and unusual punishment, false imprisonment, the filing of false and/or fraudulent reports,” and other charges. Harris also requested to add Deputy Jenkins, whom Harris said also used unnecessary force when she allegedly kicked Harris and used chemical agents against him before physically torturing him.

In his request, Harris pointed out his request has already been denied by the 5th Circuit Court and the Jefferson Parish. He said he filed another request as he strongly believes his life is in danger because of medical issues he has faced as a result of the alleged event including sleep apnea and heart issues that could lead to a stroke. He added he has suffered multiple herniated disks, joint damage, and even kidney stones.

A number of Jefferson Parish Correctional Center employees have already been named in the lawsuit including Deputy Marcus Borne, a medical administrator, and a registered nurse.

Harris’ latest move comes after his claims of an incident he said happened on or around Oct. 1, 2017. “Petitioner was illegally arrested and therefore brutally beaten by several deputies, namely but not limited to Deputy Marcus Borne, to near death,” Harris stated. He added the injuries were then said to be self-mutilation. He asked the court to order an injunction to the department and fire all of the administration and parties involved.

He ended his request with, “My life is in imminent danger being in the custody of these barbaric, racially biased and non-caring, uncompassionate people.”

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