'Complaint With Jury Demand Against All Defendants (filing Fee $ 400 Receipt Number 053l-7446626) Filed By Tammy Renea Bursey. (attachments: # 1 Summons Bayer Healthcare Pharm., Inc., # 2 Summons Bayer Pharma Ag)attorney Ryan E Hodge Added To Party Tammy Renea Bursey(pty:pla).(hodge, Ryan) Modified Text On 2/26/2019 (ss).'
'Complaint With Jury Demand Against All Defendants (fee Previously Paid) Filed By Tammy Renea Bursey.(hodge, Ryan)'
'Initial Case Assignment To Judge Eldon E. Fallon And Magistrate Judge Michael North. (cc)'
Case number 2:19-cv-01720-EEF-MBN was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana on 02/25/2019.