'Complaint With Jury Demand Against All Defendants (filing Fee $ 400 Receipt Number 053l-7448653) Filed By Karin Sedach. (attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Summons, # 3 Summons)attorney Kori Lynn Westbrook Added To Party Karin Sedach(pty:pla).(westbrook, Kori)'
'Initial Case Assignment To Judge Eldon E. Fallon And Magistrate Judge Michael North. (gk)'
'Summons Issued As To Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bayer Pharma Ag. (attachments: # 1 Summons)(ss)'
Case number 2:19-cv-01738-EEF-MBN was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana on 02/26/2019.