
Sen. Kennedy at CPAC: ‘Woke-ism is strangling a free people’


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Sen. Kennedy at CPAC: ‘Woke-ism is strangling a free people’

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Kennedy | Fairley/CPAC

ORLANDO  (Legal Newsline) - Americans are not free if they cannot express themselves and say what they think, Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy said at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday. 

“I believe that cancel culture, which is the military wing of woke-ism, is strangling a free people,” he said. “The nauseously woke Washington insider, permanent Washington, the vanilla soy extra foam latte crowd that live in the Georgetown condos don't respect your ideas. They don't care what we think and they believe they're better than us.”

He provided customary wit during his remarks. 

“You can't fix stupid but by God, you can vote it out,” Kennedy told a cheering crowd. “And I believe our future can be better than our present and past. I believe we're only as good as our dreams and that we're only as valuable as our children but the water won't clear up until we get the pigs out of the cream.”

A member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Kennedy criticized the Biden administration.

“I believe that Republicans are not perfect but the other side is crazy,” he said. “I believe America was founded by geniuses, but it’s being run by idiots. America, unless we lose it, is the greatest country in all of human history and the whole world knows it. America is so great that people who hate it, refuse to leave it.”

Kennedy went on to profess more love for the nation and the founding fathers despite some of their mistakes.

“I believe that America is not perfect but we are evolving and like every other culture in the history of humanity America caught the disease of slavery but we heeded back and we passed several civil rights laws in 1866, 1871 1875, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1990, and 1991," he said. "The truth is that most Americans don't think that much about race. They think about character and they understand that souls have no color.”

Kennedy promoted accomplishments of the Trump administration. 

“When Republicans controlled the House and the Senate and President Trump was our president, in four years we cut taxes," he said. "We increased wages. We delivered 3.5% unemployment. We had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of this wonderful country for Hispanic Americans and African Americans. We created 8 million new jobs pre-COVID. We de-regulated the economy. We controlled inflation. We protected life. We secured the border. We secured our streets. We beat back Isis. We strengthened the military. We stood up to China, Russia, and Iran and we confirmed 234 conservative federal judges, including three new members of the United States Supreme Court.”

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