
NOTICE: Bills Signed by Gov. Edwards as of May 19, 2022


Saturday, March 29, 2025

NOTICE: Bills Signed by Gov. Edwards as of May 19, 2022


Gov. John Bel Edwards announced that he has signed the following bills into law from the 2022 Legislative Session.

ACT 18—HB 6 Creates an Employee Insurance Fund for the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office.

ACT 19—HB 15 Provides relative to the transfer of certain funds in the 42nd Judicial District.

ACT 20—HB 45 Re-creates the Department of State and the statutory entities made a part of the department by law. 

ACT 21—HB 46 Re-creates the Department of State Civil Service and the statutory entities made a part of the department by law. 

ACT 22—HB 58 Provides relative to irrevocable trusts for individuals interdicted.

ACT 23—HB 60 Provides relative to the termination of an existing judicial section of the Juvenile Court for Orleans Parish.

ACT 24—HB 70 Designates a certain portion of Interstate Highway 20 in Webster Parish as the "Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway."

ACT 25—HB 71 Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 371 in Webster Parish as the "John David Crow Memorial Highway."

ACT 26—HB 79 Provides for the minimum number of meetings for the boards of directors of certain captive insurers.

ACT 27—HB 82 Repeals the authority of the commissioner of insurance to retain funds collected from certain fees.

ACT 28—HB 92 Creates the "Laissez les ARTS Rouler" specialty license plate.

ACT 29—HB 96 Creates the "United Most Worshipful St. John's Grand Lodge of Louisiana A.F. & A.M." and the "Daughters of Universal Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" specialty license plates.

ACT 30—HB 105 Creates an employee insurance fund for the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office.

ACT 31—HB 111 Provides relative to retiree insurance provisions of the Franklin Parish Sheriff's Office.

ACT 32—HB 122 Re-creates the Department of Insurance.

ACT 33—HB 134 Provides relative to the crime of false statements and false or altered documents.

ACT 34—HB 138 Designates Act No. 403 of the 2021 Regular Session as "The Zachary 'Zack' Joseph Cutrer Act.”

ACT 35—HB 144 Requires candidates for public office to provide a valid email address when qualifying for office.

ACT 36—HB 162 Provides for exemption of expungement fees in certain circumstances.

ACT 37—HB 172 Provides relative to revocable trusts.

ACT 38—HB 184 Provides relative to the recusal of judges.

ACT 39—HB 188 Provides relative to prohibitions and requirements for digital material of a political nature.

ACT 40—HB 225 Provides for the return of donated property. 

ACT 41—HB 240 Provides relative to the licensed profession of massage therapy.

ACT 42—HB 247 Provides relative to the recusal of judges.

ACT 43—HB 296 Provides relative to the nominating committee and nominees for the Board of Ethics.

ACT 44—HB 309 Provides relative to small successions.

ACT 45—HB 322 Provides relative to criminal damage to property.

ACT 46—HB 378 Adds certain substances to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law. 

ACT 47—HB 411 Provides a minimum time period that an immediate family member of a school board member or superintendent must be employed by the school board prior to being promoted to an administrative position.

ACT 48—HB 444 Designates a portion of the U.S. Hwy. 165 in Caldwell Parish as the "SPC Torey Jonteal Dantzler, Sr. Memorial Highway.”

ACT 49—HB 445 Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 133 in Caldwell Parish as the "Robert L. 'Doc' Owens Memorial Highway.”

ACT 50—HB 475 Provides relative to the deadline for filing disclosures of the employment of an immediate family member of a school board member or school superintendent.

ACT 51—HB 534 Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 527 in Bossier Parish as the "Jessie Henry Memorial Highway.”

ACT 52—HB 581 Provides relative to the Louisiana Underground Utilities and Facilities Damage Prevention Law.

ACT 53—HB 603 Creates military honor specialty license plates.

ACT 54—HB 659 Provides relative to the salary of the executive director of the La. State Board of Private Investigators.

ACT 55—HB 684 Provides relative to admission tickets.

ACT 56—HB 695 Provides for health and accident insurance producers and consultants and modifies terminology relative to health and accident insurance.

ACT 57—HB 748 Designates Exit 44 on Interstate Highway 20 in Webster Parish as the "Kim Cannon Memorial Interchange."

ACT 58—HB 810 Creates the "International Association of Firefighters" specialty license plate.

ACT 59—HB 842 Provides relative to liability for veterinary professionals for the reporting of animal cruelty.

ACT 60—HB 866 Provides for minimum capital and surplus requirements for certain domestic insurers.  

ACT 61—SB 14 Provides relative to the Louisiana Board for Hearing Aid Dealers.

ACT 62—SB 39 Designates LA Hwy. 493 beginning at LA Hwy. 119 to LA Hwy. 1 in Natchitoches Parish as the "Augustin Metoyer Memorial Parkway.”

ACT 63—SB 52 Designates the Black Bayou Bridge on Louisiana Highway 384 in Calcasieu Parish as the "Dorothy Carter Memorial Bridge.”

ACT 64—SB 61 Creates "Mental Health" special prestige license plate. 

ACT 65—SB 79 Designates a portion of LA 16 in St. Helena Parish as the "Trooper George Baker Memorial Highway." 

ACT 66—SB 85 Creates an individual income tax refund checkoff donation for Maddie's Footprints.

ACT 67—SB 181 Provides for the definition of an airport sponsor and replaces engineer with sponsor for the approval, inspection, and certification of airport construction projects.

ACT 68—SB 210 Authorizes fine in lieu of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority for foreign or alien insurers.

ACT 69—SB 264 Provides for minimum capital and surplus requirements for certain domestic insurers.

ACT 70—SB 399 Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in East Baton Rouge Parish.

ACT 71—SB 422 Authorizes the transfer of state property in Lafayette Parish.

Original source can be found here.

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