
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards announces Gov. Edwards Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards announces Gov. Edwards Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments


John bel Edwards | Louisiana Governor

Gov. John Bel Edwards announced his appointments to the following Louisiana boards and commissions.

Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District

The mission of the Capital Area Ground Water Conservation District is to provide for the efficient administration, conservation, orderly development, and supplementation of groundwater resources in the parishes of East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Pointe Coupee, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana. The board develops, promotes, and implements management strategies to provide for the conservation, preservation, protection, recharging, and prevention of waste of the groundwater resources over which it has jurisdictional authority.

Mr. Nolan R. Brown III of Baton Rouge was appointed to the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District. Mr. Brown is a budget analyst for the Louisiana Special School District in Baton Rouge. He will represent East Baton Rouge Parish.

Mr. Eric B. Lewis of Zachary was appointed to the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District. Mr. Lewis is the executive director of Baton Rouge STEM in Zachary. He will represent municipal users. He was nominated by Diversion Water Company.

Mr. D. Gregory “Greg” Phares of Baton Rouge was appointed to the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District. Mr. Phares owns 5940 Training, LLC in Clinton. He will represent East Feliciana Parish.

Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board

The Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board provides information and recommendations from the perspective of advocacy groups, service providers and parents.

Ms. Amanda Brunson of Baton Rouge was appointed to the Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board. Ms. Brunson is assistant secretary of child welfare for the Department of Children and Family Services. She will serve as assistant secretary of child welfare and will represent the Department of Children and Family Services.

Ms. Krystle H. Mitchell of Slidell was appointed to the Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board. Ms. Mitchell is interim executive director at the Louisiana Alliance of Children’s Advocacy Centers in Covington. She will represent LA Children’s Advocacy Centers.

Ms. Reshonn A. Saul of Vacherie was appointed to the Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board. Ms. Saul is the assistance program manager for FINS (Families in Need of Services) with the Louisiana Supreme Court. She will represent the LA Families in Need of Services Association.

Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council

The Louisiana Developmental Disability Council’s mission is to lead and promote advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Ms. Cheri A. Crain of Zachary was appointed to the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council. Ms. Crain is a compliance and planning manager with the Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs. She will represent the Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs.

Ms. Julie F. Hagan of Springfield was appointed to the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council. Ms. Hagan is director of the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities within the Louisiana Department of Health. She will represent the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities.

Parish Boards of Election Supervisors

The purpose of the board in each parish is to oversee and supervise all elections within the parish to ensure the safety and accuracy of the democratic process. The Board of Election Supervisors oversees the preparation and conducting of each election in the parish. Each board is composed of the parish’s registrar of voters, the parish’s clerk of court, the chairman of the parish executive committee of each recognized political party, and one member appointed by the governor.

Ms. Barbara W. Cotton of New Llano was appointed to the Parish Boards of Election Supervisors. Ms. Cotton is a retired deputy clerk of court from Vernon Parish. She will serve as election supervisor of Vernon Parish.

Louisiana Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission

The Louisiana Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission has the responsibility to establish and publish standards of out-of-hospital practice; to regulate the scope of practice of Emergency Medical Services professionals, to discipline and regulate the practice of Emergency Medical Services professionals and to establish standards for educational programs preparing individuals for out of hospital practice.

Mr. Kirk P. LaCour of Mansura was appointed to the Louisiana Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission. Mr. LaCour is an attorney and director of litigation at Acadian Ambulance Service in Lafayette. He will serve as a state-certified emergency medical technician nominated by the Louisiana Municipal Association.

Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors

The Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors’ primary objective is to protect the safety, health, property, and welfare of the general public and to promote the vigorous growth of the real estate industry in the State of Louisiana. The Board evaluates the qualifications of applicants for licensure and grants licenses to those who qualify. It establishes rules and regulations to ensure the integrity and competence of licensees.

Mr. John D. McLaughlin of Baton Rouge was appointed to the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors. Mr. McLaughlin is a home inspector for Advantage Services in Denham Springs. He will represent the 6th Congressional District.

Mr. William J. Paternoster of Metairie was appointed to the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors. Mr. Paternoster is fire captain of the St John Office of Fire Services in LaPlace. He will represent the 1st Congressional District.

Advisory Committee on Polysomnography

The Advisory Committee on Polysomnography was created to assist the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners in the administration of Polysomnography, a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders.

Dr. Joseph Y. Bordelon of Opelousas was appointed to the Advisory Committee on Polysomnography. Dr. Bordelon was nominated by the Louisiana State Medical Society. He is a licensed physician and diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority

The primary mission of the LPFA is to further education, healthcare, economic development, and job creation in Louisiana in order to make Louisiana a better place to work, live, and raise our families.

Mr. Matthew T. Valliere of Zachary was appointed to the Louisiana Public Facilities Authority. Mr. Valliere is the chief executive officer at CareSouth in Baton Rouge. He will serve at-large.

State Police Commission

The State Police Commission was created by Article X, Part IV, Sec 41-51 of the Louisiana Constitution, to provide an independent civil service system for all regularly commissioned full-time law enforcement officers employed by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of State Police, or its successor, who are graduates of the State Police training academy of instruction and are vested with full state police powers, as provided by law, and persons to become such officers.  The Commission provides an independent, merit-based, system to empower the State of Louisiana to recruit, develop, and retain a state police force with the highest level of professionalism and proactive engagement in providing service to and protection of Louisiana’s citizens and visitors.

Mr. Mark M. “Aubrey” Cole of Lafayette was appointed to the State Police Commission. Mr. Cole is the owner and president of Don’s Specialty Meats in Scott.  He was nominated by Tulane University and will represent the 3rd Congressional District.

Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans

The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans regulates the commerce and traffic of the port and harbor, within its tri-parish jurisdiction (Jefferson, Orleans, and St. Bernard), in such manner as may, in its judgment, be best for the maintenance and development thereof in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. 34:21, et seq.

Ms. Jeanne E. Ferrer of Violet was appointed to the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Ms. Ferrer is a pilot with the Crescent River Port Pilot Association. She will represent Position B.

South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission

The South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission serves as the official governing authority for Port Manchac, an inter-modal facility that serves manufacturing and distribution clients throughout the Gulf South.

Ms. Rhonda S. Sheridan of Ponchatoula was appointed to the South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission. Ms. Sheridan is the executive assistant to the mayor for the City of Ponchatoula. Ms. Sheridan was nominated by Dr. Bill Wheat and will serve as member representing the House of Representatives District 73.

Original source can be found here.

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