
Sadie Ennis Williams sues Thomas Scott Jr. for denying his objection to the succession administrator's preliminary detailed descriptive list


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Sadie Ennis Williams sues Thomas Scott Jr. for denying his objection to the succession administrator's preliminary detailed descriptive list

State Court
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In the succession case of Loyce Spurlock Scott, held in the First Circuit Court of Appeal, Louisiana (case ID: 2023 CA 0826), Thomas Scott Jr., the decedent's spouse, appealed against a judgment denying his objection to the succession administrator's preliminary detailed descriptive list. The judgment was rendered on March 20, 2024.

The petition to open Mrs. Scott's succession and appoint her daughter, Sadie Ennis Williams, as administrator was filed on December 22, 2021. Mrs. Scott passed away intestate on November 26, 2021. Ms. Williams was appointed as the administrator of Mrs. Scott’s succession on January 4, 2022.

On April 27, 2022, Ms. Williams filed a preliminary detailed descriptive list identifying a parcel of immovable property at Shenandoah Ave., Baton Rouge as Mrs. Scott’s separate property. Mr. Scott objected to this list on July 29, stating that the Shenandoah property was not Mrs. Scott’s separate property but owned by the community.

The plaintiff is seeking for judgment affirming that Shenandoah property was Mrs. Scott’s separate property and that Mr. Scott's right to controvert Mrs. Scott’s declaration of acquisition of separate property was prescribed.

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