Angela Underwood News
Appeals court dismisses false imprisonment accusations against Sorrento police chief
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a police chief did not unlawfully hold a citizen who alleged false imprisonment.
Federal court tosses Sofia Vergara pre-embroyo lawsuit, cites lack of jurisdiction
The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana has granted actress Sofia Vergara's motion to dismiss the complaint filed by her ex-fiancé over the custody of two frozen pre-embryos.
Pacific Legal Foundation argues on behalf of Louisiana businesses
Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF), the oldest public-interest legal organization of its kind, continues to make a marked difference in defending Americans' Fifth Amendment rights.
Appeals court approves ads pulled from campaign
NEW ORLEANS — Civil district-court candidate Suzy Montero has the right to run campaign ads against her contender for a seat on the Orleans Parish Civil District Court bench, according to the Louisiana 4th Circuit Court of Appeal.