
Stories by Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch on Louisiana Record


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch News

When legal system is abused - as with 'hurricane lawyers' - Louisianans pay

By Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch |
Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week is observed each October by Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch and civil justice reform organizations across the U.S. to inform citizens about the costs and consequences of lawsuit abuse and encourage elected officials to bring fairness and common sense to civil justice systems.

Oil and gas defendants fighting abusive coastal suits encouraged by Fifth Circuit jurisdictional ruling

By Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch |
The recent decision issued by the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in favor of oil and gas defendants fighting unfounded coastal lawsuits is encouraging, as it opens the door for these cases to be heard in federal court. That’s where they should be.

Trial lawyer bills would encourage meritless litigation and divert coastal remediation funding

By Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch |
The long, drawn out saga of Louisiana’s coastal lawsuits continues, with bills crafted by trial lawyers that could encourage more meritless litigation and divert funding from our coast.

Letter to the editor: Dangerous precedent being set by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

By Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch |
Recent developments in Terrebonne Parish should be alarming to all Louisiana citizens – especially those along the bayou whose local rights are being overstepped by overzealous trial attorneys and state government overreach.

VENABLE: Louisiana’s notoriety as a “judicial hellhole” should come as no surprise

By Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch |
For the ninth consecutive year, Louisiana has been named one of the nation’s Judicial Hellholes® by the American Tort Reform Foundation.

Lawsuit Abuse in Louisiana: Time to Turn Up the Heat

By Lana Venable, Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch |
Some things never change – it’s been another long, hot summer in Louisiana, and aggressive plaintiff’s attorneys continue to pull out all the stops to advance what has become a cottage industry – unfounded lawsuits.