GRETNA – A computer gambling company is suing a contractor it hired to provide an electronic gambling software system.
National Table Games Corporation filed suit against Keith Giveans in the 24th Judicial District Court on June 30.
National Table Games Corporation contends it hired Giveans on Oct. 1, 2009 to write software code that would allow it to accept $1 bets from players, keeps track of bets, allow players to start and stop games and provide for records on the system’s utilization. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff asserts the defendant worked on the computer software program for two years until October 2011 when his job was removed and he was placed with another company. National Table Games Corporation alleges that on May 1, 2012 Giveans was again assigned to work on the project that he claimed needed only four to six more months to complete during which time he submitted invoices for work he purported to have done.
The plaintiff contends that after May 2013 the defendant was again taken off the payroll because the software had been completed and that all that was left to do was to finish other aspects of the game including a video, logo rules and payouts for which he invoiced the company from May 2013 through July 2013. However, after the program had still not been completed by July 8, 2013 National Table Games Corporation took Giveans off the project again and brought in another computer coder to finish the project at an additional cost of $55,000.
The plaintiff alleges it paid the defendant $59,820 and that during the entire time on the project he knowingly engaged in deceitful behavior and submitted false invoices for work he did not do. National Table Games Corporation claims that throughout their relationship with Giveans he presented himself as a skilled computer coder.
The defendant is accused of breach of contract, fraud and detrimental damage.
Damages in the amounts of $136,420 are sought by the plaintiff.
National Table Games Corporation is represented by Anthony J. Engolia III.
The case has been assigned to Division F Judge Michael P. Mentz.
Case no. 739-925.
Computer gambling company sues contractor who was to make wagering system software