NEW ORLEANS – A man is suing a St. Claude pharmacy, its owner, and its insurers for allegedly allowing a hazardous puddle to persist within its premises, which allegedly caused him to slip and fall.
Earnest Scott filed suit against Michael F. Burke, Majeste's St. Claude Pharmacy, Great Lakes Reinsurance PLC and Western Heritage Insurance Company in the Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
Scott claims that on July 8, 2013, he was patronizing Majeste's St. Claude Pharmacy at 3921 St. Claude Avenue in New Orleans when he slipped and fell in a puddle of water and/or other substances that had accumulated on the floor near the establishment's entrance.
According to the suit, Scott sustained bodily injuries and incurred medical expenses as a result of the incident. Scott further asserts that he has suffered the loss of wages, wage earning capacity, mental anguish and pain and suffering.
The defendant is accused of negligence, including failure to properly maintain the premises and keep it in a safe condition.
The plaintiff seeks an unknown amount in damages for general and equitable relief, including legal interest and costs.
Scott is represented by attorney Robert T. Hughes.
The case has been assigned to District J Judge Paula A. Brown.
Case no. 2014-06265.
Majeste's St. Claude Pharmacy sued after man allegedly slips on liquid in store