

Monday, September 23, 2024

Collections agency seeks over $3,000 in sums due from a customer

Late 02

GRETNA – A funding company is seeking over $3,000 in sums due from a negligent customer.

Cavalry SPV I LLC filed a complaint on Nov. 27 in the 24th Judicial District Court against Leslie Gautreaux.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff is seeking damages for sums due on an open account. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant has accumulated a balance due on an Amazon account in the amount of $3,077.27. The suit additionally states that even though the plaintiff has made amicable demand, the defendant has remained negligent in the sums due.

The defendant is accused of sums due on an open account.

The plaintiff is seeking all reasonable sums due, attorney fees and court costs. The plaintiff is represented by Gregory Eaton of Eaton Group Attorneys LLC in Baton Rouge.

The case has been assigned to Division J Judge Stephen Grefer.

The 24th Judicial District Court Case No. is 789844.


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