

Monday, September 23, 2024

Disaster Recovery Unit claims it is owed over $30,000


GRETNA – The state of Louisiana is seeking more than $30,000 in sums due.

The State of Louisiana Division of Administration Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit filed a complaint on Nov. 27 in the 24th Judicial District Court against Charlie L. Green Jr.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff is seeking damages for sums due on an open account. The suit states the defendant has failed to pay off the balance due to the plaintiff. The plaintiff is seeking $30,000 from the defendant, as the defendant has failed to follow the requirements of the grant which was to pay off the balance lent to the defendant. The plaintiff has sought amicable demand, but to no avail.

The defendant is accused of sums due on an open account.

The plaintiff is seeking all reasonable sums due, attorney fees and court costs. The plaintiff is represented by John Walsh of Shows, Cali & Walsh LLP in Baton Rouge.

The case has been assigned to Division H Judge Glenn Ansardi.

The 24th Judicial District Court Case No. is 789880.


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