
TAYLOR PORTER BROOKS PHILLIPS LLP: Toups Featured in University Laboratory School Foundation Board Spotlight


Friday, March 28, 2025

TAYLOR PORTER BROOKS PHILLIPS LLP: Toups Featured in University Laboratory School Foundation Board Spotlight


Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips LLP issued the following announcement on Dec. 19.

Taylor Porter Partner and Executive Committee Member Robin Toups is featured in an "Around Campus" - The ULS (University Laboratory School) Foundation at Work Board Spotlight, published in the 2019 Fall/Winter issue of the school's The Cub Roar.

Members of the ULS Foundation Board of Directors serve the ULS Foundation's mission of nurturing and building relationships with parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends, and assist in securing resources to foster excellence at the University Laboratory School. Board members serve a critical role in the review and approval of all annual appeal funding requests and operating expenditures. Members participate in many of the Foundation's activities, programs, and events while serving as advocates of the school. The ULS Foundation accomplishes its mission by providing opportunities for members of the Cub community to partner with and connect their passions to programs and projects; raising funds for strategic initiatives that impact student learning across the K-12 spectrum; and building and expanding relationships through community education and awareness of the school's needs and successes.

Toups is a ULS parent, long-time Cub Club volunteer, and annual appeal volunteer caller. Robin and her husband Chad have three children at University Lab: James, Kindergarten; Annadele, fourth grade; and Grant, sixth grade. At Taylor Porter, Toups practices primarily in the areas of environmental and regulatory law and litigation. Toups is active in the Baton Rouge community, serving as a member of the 2019 Mary Bird Perkins Gala Goes Global Committee for the Cancer Center's annual fundraiser. She is a sustaining member of the Junior League of Baton Rouge, and serves as a Sunday School teacher at First United Methodist Church. She formerly served as a board member of CASA, Women’s Hospital Annual Giving Campaign, and as a past officer of the Baton Rouge Chi Omega Alumnae Association.

Original source can be found here.

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