
ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA: Louisiana United States Attorneys Announce $26,541,823 in Awards to Address Local Criminal Justice Needs and Victim Rights Issues in Louisiana


Monday, March 31, 2025

ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA: Louisiana United States Attorneys Announce $26,541,823 in Awards to Address Local Criminal Justice Needs and Victim Rights Issues in Louisiana

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U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana issued the following announcement on Oct. 2.

United States Attorney Peter G. Strasser, United States Attorney Brandon J. Fremin, Middle District of Louisiana, and Acting United States Attorney Alexander C. Van Hook, Western District of Louisiana, jointly announce that the State of Louisiana received a total of $26,541,823 in six United States Department of Justice grants to respond to critical issues in local law enforcement and victims’ rights and services.

Three grants were awarded to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement (LCLE). The first award in the amount of $23,490,366 provides funds from the federal Crime Victims Fund to enhance crime victim services in the state. The second award of $1,414,000 provides funds from the Crime Victims Fund to enhance State Victim Compensation payments to eligible crime victims. And third, $190,769 was awarded to the Louisiana Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), which is the research division of the LCLE. LSAC has been tasked with assessing how law enforcement in the State of Louisiana is meeting the challenge of the present opioid crisis.

In addition, the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice has been awarded $770,806. The purpose of this program is to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. Supported activities and efforts may include planning and administration and development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile delinquency and programs to enhance the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system.

As a final matter, the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office was awarded $177,123 to fund a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on the parish’s specific needs and conditions, and the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections was awarded $498,759 to continue implementing the Adult Reentry and Employment Strategic Planning Program.

U.S. Attorney Fremin stated, “The federal grant money distributed to our state and local partners exemplifies the Department of Justice’s commitment to provide resources to address critical issues in local law enforcement and to vigorously support victims’ rights and services. Awards, such as these, promote the continuing success of our joint federal, state and local law enforcement efforts to ensure the safety of our community and to support those citizens who have been victimized.”

U.S. Attorney Strasser stated, “The announcement of Louisiana’s awards highlights the commitment from the Department of Justice to afford law enforcement the opportunity to implement innovative programs needed to respond to critical issues in local law enforcement, victims’ rights and services and juvenile justice system services and improvements.”

Acting U.S. Attorney Van Hook stated, “Every defendant that is convicted of a federal crime is ordered to pay an assessment which goes to the Crime Victims’ Fund. Federal grants such as these that have been awarded to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement are an example of how those funds are passed on to local agencies and of how justice is serving victims of crime in the State of Louisiana. We will continue to pursue justice for the people in the Western District of Louisiana and throughout the state.”

Original source can be found here.

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