
NOTICE: Bills Signed by Gov. Edwards as of June 22, 2022


Saturday, March 29, 2025

NOTICE: Bills Signed by Gov. Edwards as of June 22, 2022


Gov. John Bel Edwards announced that he has signed the following bills into law from the 2022 Regular Legislative Session.

ACT 588—SB 45 Requires all public school governing authorities to adopt certain policies relative to cameras in certain classrooms by December 31, 2022. 

ACT 589—SB 90 Provides relative to network adequacy for health insurer benefit plans.

ACT 590—SB 183 Provides relative to transparency in the application process for any state-issued license or permit. 

ACT 591—SB 212 Establishes the Hurricane Mediation Program.

ACT 592—SB 333 Provides relative to boards and commissions. 

ACT 593—SB 396 Provides relative to a surety's bail obligation after the issuance of a notice of warrant of arrest. 

ACT 594—SB 430 Authorizes the Concordia Parish School Board to name the new gymnasium at Monterey High School in honor of Jack Bairnsfather. 

ACT 595—SB 28 Provides relative to state partnership audit adjustments. 

ACT 596—SB 95 Creates the multi-parish audit program for local sales tax. 

ACT 597—SB 167 Provides relative to emergency preparedness plans for nursing homes.

ACT 598—SB 437 Authorizes the creation of Louisiana Timber and Agriculture Transportation Group Self-Insurance Funds. 

ACT 599—HB 817 Provides relative to the composition of the La. Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice. 

ACT 600—HB 830 Provides for the fees for certain actions by legal entities. 

ACT 601—HB 1021 Provides for the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana in a critical shortage position. 

ACT 602—HB 42 Provides an exception to the crime of illegal carrying of weapons for retired justices of the peace.

ACT 603—HB 57 Provides relative to homeowners association privileges. 

ACT 604—HB 97 Extends the termination date applicable to levee restoration or rehabilitation work not publicly bid. 

ACT 605—HB 100 Provides relative to the Avoyelles Parish Local Government Gaming Mitigation Fund.

ACT 606—HB 123 Provides relative to the Louisiana National Guard death and disability benefits.

ACT 607—HB 136 Requires dyslexia education as a component of teacher education programs.

ACT 608—HB 161 Provides for the vouchered office expense allowance for members of the legislature. 

ACT 609—HB 173 Provides relative to background checks for a gaming license.

ACT 610—HB 174 Provides relative to criminal history records checks for licenses to handle explosives. 

ACT 611—HB 193 Provides relative to historic preservation districts and landmarks commissions in the city of New Orleans.

ACT 612—HB 204 Provides with respect to parties to whom the state registrar of vital records may issue a death certificate.

ACT 613—HB 224 Provides relative to meetings of the Louisiana State Law Institute. 

ACT 614—HB 272 Provides for mental health evaluations in divorce and child custody proceedings. 

ACT 615—HB 282 Provides relative to the probation of defendants in drug division probation programs or specialty court programs. 

ACT 616—HB 284 Deletes references to the Metropolitan Hospital Council of New Orleans in various provisions of law. 

ACT 617—HB 315 Provides for the Blind and Visually Impaired Student's Bill of Rights.

ACT 618—HB 357 Provides relative to polling places. 

ACT 619—HB 384 Requires pediatric day health care facilities to provide for installation and operation of cameras at their premises. 

ACT 620—HB 403 Provides for the possession and use of community property following a petition for divorce. 

ACT 621—HB 409 Prohibits the issuance of a summons in lieu of an arrest for certain domestic violence crimes. 

ACT 622—HB 416 Provides relative to screening of students for dyslexia and other impediments to learning. 

ACT 623—HB 420 Provides for continuing technical corrections and revision of provisions of Title 36 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. 

ACT 624—HB 423 Requires public school governing authorities to provide high school seniors the opportunity to register to vote.

ACT 625—HB 431 Provides relative to DNA database cross-referencing.

ACT 626—HB 440 Provides relative to eating disorder instruction in schools. 

ACT 627—HB 460 Expands the purposes for which a parish governing authority may levy a tax relative to early childhood programs. 

ACT 628—HB 553 Provides relative to suitability requirements for persons associated with medical marijuana production. 

ACT 629—HB 607 Provides relative to penalties for the crime of simple cruelty to animals.

ACT 630—HB 615 Provides relative to law enforcement records. 

ACT 631—HB 689 Provides for the retail seafood dealer's license. 

ACT 632—HB 703 Provides relative to repair contracts following a natural disaster. 

ACT 633—HB 727 Provides for uniform prerequisites for adoption finalization. 

ACT 634—HB 745 Provides relative to the officer bill of rights. 

ACT 635—HB 803 Provides relative to the State Building Energy Conservation Code. 

ACT 636—HB 905 Provides relative to partition by licitation. 

ACT 637—HB 918 Provides relative to supplemental pay. 

ACT 638—HB 1012 Provides relative to non-emergency medical transportation services within the La. Medicaid program. 

ACT 639—HB 1074 Provides relative to absentee by mail ballots.

ACT 640—HB 1081 Provides relative to school buses.

Original source can be found here.

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