Courtroom drama unfolds as a healthcare provider faces allegations of negligence and malpractice in a high-stakes legal battle. On January 24, 2025, CHRISTUS Health Northern Louisiana d/b/a CHRISTUS Shreveport-Bossier filed an answer and affirmative defenses in the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana against claims brought by Courtney Lafitte and others.
The case centers around allegations that CHRISTUS Health Northern Louisiana, along with other defendants including CLHG-Minden, LLC d/b/a Minden Medical Center and Willis-Knighton Medical Center, failed to meet the appropriate standard of care in their treatment of Rex Allen Hightower. The plaintiffs accuse the defendants of violating both federal and state laws, specifically citing breaches under the Federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and various Louisiana statutes.
In response to these accusations, CHRISTUS Health Northern Louisiana has mounted a robust defense. They argue that the plaintiffs' petitions fail to establish any valid claims against them. The defendant's legal team contends that all actions taken were within the bounds of reasonable medical practice and good faith efforts. "Defendant shows that the appropriate standard of care was met at all times," they assert, firmly denying any breach that could have led to the alleged damages.
Furthermore, CHRISTUS Health Northern Louisiana challenges the validity of some claims based on procedural grounds such as prescription periods, statute limitations, and failure to exhaust administrative remedies. They also emphasize that any potential injuries or damages claimed by the plaintiffs were due to pre-existing conditions or actions by third parties beyond their control.
The healthcare provider seeks dismissal of all claims with prejudice, requesting that any judgments rendered account for existing insurance proceeds or liabilities attributed to other parties involved. Additionally, they invoke protections under the Louisiana Medical Malpractice Act which could potentially limit their liability to $100,000 plus interest if found liable.
Representing CHRISTUS Health Northern Louisiana are attorneys Brandon A. Sues and Connor C. Headrick from Gold Weems Bruser Sues & Rundell law firm. The case is presided over by Judge Maurice Hicks Jr., with Magistrate Judge Kayla D. McClusky also involved in proceedings under Case ID 5:25-cv-00059-SMH-KDM.