New Orleans
Recent News About New Orleans
Texas seaman sues after slipping down stairs
Gordon A Texas resident is suing Specialty Offshore Inc. and others after he slipped down a set of stairs and was injured. -
Seaman seeks $1 million after fainting
A seaman is suing for more than $1 million after he fell and hit his head during a fainting spell. -
Seaman sues after tripping over oar
A seaman has filed a lawsuit against his employer for failing to properly supervise the crew after he tripped over an oar. -
Drug rehab center sued after terminating obese employee
A Louisiana drug and alcohol rehabilitation center is being sued for allegedly discriminating against an obese employee and for illegally terminating her employment. -
Platform worker claims injuries after slip on oil
A fire worker has filed a lawsuit against an energy company after he slipped in oil while working on a platform in the Gulf of Mexico. -
Mother sues makers of Reglan after child develops tardive dyskinesia
A Louisiana mother has filed suit against the makers of the drug Reglan, claiming it caused her child to develop tardive dyskinesia, a disorder involving abnormal involuntary movements. -
House of Blues sued over claims of racial and gender discrimination
The House of Blues in New Orleans is being accused of race and gender discrimination by a former employee in a recently filed federal lawsuit. -
Seaman sues for $2 million after being forced to work through Hurricane Ike
A seaman has filed a lawsuit after he allegedly suffered injuries while working on a vessel during Hurricane Ike. -
Vessel worker seeks $1.2 million over injuries in transfer basket
A Mississippi seaman has filed a lawsuit against the employer of a crane operator after the operator allegedly jerked a personnel transfer basket off a vessel's deck. -
Seaman sues after cable propels him
A seaman has filed a lawsuit against his employer after he was allegedly injured due to being propelled while holding a cable. -
United passenger sues after getting ejected from flight
A Louisiana mother is suing United Airlines after she and her son were allegedly removed from a flight due to her son's yelling after he was told to turn off his DVD player. -
Deckhand sues employer after losing his balance and falling
Bruno A Louisiana resident is blaming his employer for a fall that allegedly injured his knee and back. -
Employee claims she was fired for being pregnant
A records assistant has filed a discrimination lawsuit against Gastroenterology Group, accusing the medical corportation of firing her because she was pregnant. -
Lawsuit claims air conditioning unit caused fatal fire
A Louisiana family claims that defects in their mobile home's air conditioning unit caused a fire that killed two of their children. -
New Orleans resident injured using Pilates chair
New Orleans resident Sandra Andry claims she seriously injured her back on an exercise machine, according to a lawsuit filed in the Eastern District of Louisiana.