GRETNA – The lessee of a local home is suing its owner for mold growth in the home.
Jennifer L. Carver filed suit against Gregory Gaspard and Tiffany Gaspard in the 24th Judicial District Court on Nov. 19.
Carver claims she leased a home located at 306 Radiance Road in Metairie that is owned by the Gaspards who live in Texas. The plaintiff alleges that mold pre-existed on the property at the time she signed the lease, but only afterward she found out about it. Carver asserts that she asked the Gaspards to remediate the problem and that the mold problem and contamination grew worse after they failed to correct the problem.
The plaintiff claims that the defendants sent relatives over to clean the mold and paint over it, but did not send a mold remediation specialist. Carver alleges even after their attempts to correct the problem her daughter suffered severe health problems due to mold contamination and that they had to move.
The defendant is accused of failing to correct the mold contamination, failing to use a certified mold remediation expert to remedy the contamination and attempting to use improper or inadequate methods to remedy mold contamination.
An unspecified amount in damages is sought for costs of moving, storage of furniture and an amount equal to one month’s rent and her deposit.
Carver is represented by attorney Michael A. Britt of Kenner.
The case has been assigned to Division J Judge Stephen C. Grefer.
Case no. 733-067.
Landlord sued over mold growth in leased property