NEW ORLEANS – A local couple is suing a cardiologist they claim failed to treat the husband’s heart condition properly, leading to a heart attack.
Nicola and Cindy Mastopierro filed suit against Dr. David Hutchinson in the Orleans Parish Civil District Court on Jan. 23.
According to the suit, Nicola Mastropierro was experiencing accelerating angina and numbness in his hands in the fall of 2009. He claims he consulted with Huchinson and was informed an angiogram and catherization were required. Mastropierro asserts he was told that if there was a blockage a stent or stents would be inserted, if necessary, during the procedure to alleviate any problem that could be addressed in that fashion. On Nov. 6, 2009 Mastropierro was admitted to West Jefferson Hospital for the procedure and afterward his discharge summary allegedly noted severe symptoms of reduced arterial blood flow and differences in the left and right brachial artery pressure as well as accelerated chest pain, the suit claims.
The suit also alleges that Hutchinson consulted with another physician to evaluate the patient’s peripheral artery disease and that no intervention was performed due to the possible consideration of surgery due to decreased blood flow. Mastropierro asserts he was discharged with no stents implanted, and not prescribed additional medications to reduce the risk of blockages. The suit claims he was discharged without adequate precautions taken to address the immediate problem of his severe CAD.
On Nov. 25, 2009 Mastropierro claims he went to the emergency room with a myocardial infarction. During admission a stent was inserted and good flow peripherally was obtained. The suit alleges his heart condition deteriorated due to his heart attack and his ability to work was severely compromised. His physician told him he should be disabled from employment but with the help of his employer he continued to work because of economic necessity.
Hutchinson is accused of failure to perform cardiac stenting when indicated, failing to take adequate precautions to address the immediate problem of plaintiff’s severe CAD at time of discharge, including prescribing appropriate medication to reduce the risk of MI, failing to follow-up on his request for consultation with a vascular surgeon and other alleged negligence.
The Mastropierros are suing for damages including Cindy’s loss of her husband’s consortium, society and services as well as the amount of pecuniary and non-pecuinary damages and for all general and equitable relief that the court may grant.
The plaintiff is represented by Frank A. Silvestri of Silvestri & Massicot LLC.
Case is assigned to Division L Judge Kern A. Reese.
Case no. 2014-00881.
Cardiologist sued after patient has heart attack