GRETNA – The widow of a former shipyard worker who allegedly died from asbestosis and mesothelioma lung cancer due to asbestos exposure is suing for wrongful death.
Shirely Holmes filed suit against Huntington Ingalls Incorporated, Avondale Industries, Avondale Shipyard, Albert Bossier Jr., Onebeacon America Insurance Company, American Employers Insurance Company, Eagle Inc., Foster-Wheeler LLC, Maryland Casualty Company, The Dox Chemical Company, 3M Company, ANCO Insulations Inc. and CBS Corporation in the 24th Judicial District Court on June 30.
Holmes contends that her husband Kermit A. Holmes, who died on Sept. 2, 2013, worked at the Avondale shipyard in the early 1970s where he was exposed to asbestos dust and fibers that later led to his contraction of asbestosis and mesothelioma lung cancer. The plaintiff alleges that during her husband’s employment with the shipyard he was not provided with proper safety equipment, including disposable overalls and on-site showers, that could have lessened the chance of his illness. Holmes claims that those in charge of the facility should have known about the dangers surrounding asbestos exposure.
The defendant is accused of failing to reveal and concealing critical information, failing to reveal and concealing inherent dangers of the use of asbestos, failing to provide necessary protection, failing to provide proper ventilation and wanton and reckless disregard in storage and handling of asbestos.
An unspecified amount in damages is sought for survival action and wrongful death.
Holmes is represented by Kevin C. Schoenberger of New Orleans-based Law Office of Kevin C. Schoenberger.
The case has been assigned to Division N Judge Stephen D. Enright Jr.
Case no. 739-908.
Widow of shipyard worker sues over asbestos exposure