GRETNA – A company is suing a customer who allegedly was provided a rent-to-own portable building but did not completely pay for it nor return it.
Graceland Properties LLC filed suit against Nathan Carter in the 24th Judicial District Court on July 7.
Graceland Properties claims that on Aug. 14, 2012 it executed a rental purchase agreement in the amount of $3,392 plus sales tax of 9 percent that was to be paid over a 36-month period at a monthly rate of $110.59. The plaintiff alleges that the building was delivered to the defendant’s property at 3005 Lime St. in Metairie and that defendant stopped making payments in May 2013. Graceland Properties asserts that Carter has blocked it from repossessing the building and due to the stoppage of payment it is still the lawful owners of the portable building and owed $3,392.
The defendant is accused of breach of contract.
Damages in the amount of $3,392 are sought by the plaintiff.
Graceland Properties is represented by Karen E. Trevathan of Baton Rouge.
The case has been assigned to Division H Judge Glenn B. Ansardi.
Case no. 740-079.
Man sued for alleged breach of contract over rent-to-own building