GRETNA – A local hospital is being sued by a patient who claims he suffered complications and had to undergo an emergency surgery because hospital personnel did not provide him with proper postoperative instruction on how to handle his recovery from a hip replacement.
Richard Felo filed suit against Ochsner Medical Center-Westbank LLC in the 24th Judicial District Court on April 10.
Felo alleges on Aug. 9, 2011 has admitted to the care of Ochsner Medical Center-Westbank with degenerative joint disease that necessitated the complete replacement of his hip. The plaintiff contends that following the surgery the defendant was supposed to follow detailed instructions provided by his doctor. However, Felo asserts the instructions were not provided to him or his wife or the caregivers working at the hospital on several shifts during his stay in the facility.
After the plaintiff was released to home care in Aug. 13, 2011 he claims he was never told of any precaution or treatments he needed to pursue for his hip to properly heal. Felo alleges on Aug. 19, 2011 he felt his hip pop as be bent over and went to the emergency room at Ochsner Medical Center-Westbank where it was noted that the leg where the hip implant had been undertaken appeared to have rotated and was noticeably shorter. The following day, Aug. 20, 2011, the plaintiff contends he slipped to the floor after which he was rushed to the hospital by an ambulance. Felo asserts during his stay on the hospital from Aug. 20 to Aug. 24, 2011 a physical therapy consultation was written but never signed by a physician and he and his wife still did not receive training on how to handle his recovery.
After again being discharged from the hospital on Aug. 24, 2011 Felo returned the same day contending that his hip had popped out of its socket again. The plaintiff asserts emergency surgery was ordered due to complications.
The defendant is accused of medical malpractice.
An unspecified amount in damages is sought for pain and suffering, disability, mental anguish, humiliation and medical expenses.
Felo is represented by William R. Mustain III.
Ochsner sued for allegedly not providing post-operative instructions to man following hip replacement surgery