
Woman claims she was attacked by German Shepherd


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Woman claims she was attacked by German Shepherd


The plaintiff is seeking damages for an incident that took place on March 29, 2017. | File photo

NEW ORLEANS – A woman claims that she was attacked without reason by a dog.

Martha Burgett Carson filed a lawsuit Dec. 27 against Jonathan Hendrickson and or Jaime Hendrickson and Geovera Specialty Insurance Co. in Orleans Parish Civil District Court alleging negligence.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff is seeking damages for an incident that took place on March 29, 2017. The plaintiff was at the defendant's property visiting her family when the defendants' dog, a large German Shepherd, attacked the plaintiff without reason.

The defendant is accused of negligence.

The plaintiff seeks all reasonable damages, court costs, attorney fees and all appropriate relief. The plaintiff is represented by attorney Allan Berger of Allan Berger & Associates PLC in New Orleans.

The case has been assigned to Division B Judge Rachael Johnson.

The Orleans Parish Civil District Court Case No. is 2017-12386.

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