A disciplinarian for John McDonough Senior High School has filed a lawsuit against his employer to obtain disability benefits after allegedly being attacked by a student.
O'Bell Owners of a home on State Street Drive in New Orleans have filed a lawsuit against their home's renovators, claiming the house has defective Chinese drywall.
Cates A medical malpractice jury trial involving the Louisiana State University Hospital has been continued for the second time in five months in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
Futtrell The city of New Orleans' motions for preemptory exception in a suit involving a Mardi Gras float crash were satisfied in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
NEW ORLEANS-A former Witco employee has filed a lawsuit alleging that during his employment at the Gretna plant he was exposed to benzene products that caused him to develop multiple myeloma.
NEW ORLEANS-A crewmember assigned to a vessel helping with the oil spill clean-up has filed a lawsuit against BP after allegedly falling from a second-floor hotel balcony.
Judge Rosemary Ledet will hear two motions to strike juries against the City of New Orleans and the Sewerage and Water Board (SWB) in an asbestos case on July 23 in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
Derbes With more than $245,000 in past due balances, Specialty Rental Tools & Supply and Sooner Pipe filed suit against Virgin Offshore U.S.A. on July 12 in Orleans Parish District Court.
Landrieu The family of a deceased roofer has filed a lawsuit which alleges the roofer developed leukemia due to his daily exposure to carcinogenic roofing products.
Vicknair Two motions for summary judgment brought by defendants in a suit filed by the State of Louisiana on behalf of the University of New Orleans (UNO) against sprinkler manufacturers have been continued without date in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
Provosty Judge Kern Reese denied a motion for summary judgment filed by the Recovery School District (RSD), effectively ruling that it is not entitled to insurance proceeds owed to the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) for damages incurred during hurricane Katrina.
Heinrich Judge Robin Giarusso will hear two motions for summary judgment brought by defendants in a suit filed by the state of Louisiana on behalf of the University of New Orleans (UNO) against sprinkler manufacturers on July 2 in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
Judge Piper Griffin will hear a motion for summary judgment in a class action suit against the Board of Commissioners for the Orleans Levee on Friday in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
Orleans Parish District Court Judge Kern Reese on Friday granted the city of New Orleans' motion to continue a class certification hearing in a red light camera case until Sept. 24.