

Saturday, September 28, 2024

News from 2011

Oil spill steering committee cites espirit d'corps and positive morale; Seeks escrow for millions in settlements

By Steve Korris |
Lawyers anticipating hundreds of millions in fees from litigation over the Deepwater Horizon explosion propose to start raising it right away with a six percent assessment on settlements.

Maker of blow-out preventer wants Hayward's congressional testimony excluded

By Steve Korris |
Barbier Testimony of former BP chief Tony Hayward before Congress shouldn't count as evidence in a trial allocating fault for the Deepwater Horizon explosion, according to blowout prevention contractor Cameron International.

Manufacturers of pelvic floor repair system face $1.5 million lawsuit

By Michelle Keahey |
The manufacturers of a pelvic floor repair system are being sued for $1.5 million by a Louisiana woman, who claims the medical product is defective.

Convenience store owner file class action over synthetic cannabinoid

By Michelle Keahey |
After being arrested and charged with felony sale and distribution of cannabinoid, a Louisiana convenience store owner has filed a class action against the manufacturers of botanical potpourri, which warranted that the products were free of the synthetic cannabinoid.

Employee sues after receiving failing evaluations while out on medical leave

By Michelle Keahey |
A Caucasian employee who received two failing evaluations while on medical leave has filed a lawsuit against his employer for alleged civil rights and other violations.

Seaman sues employer over allegedly defective equipment

By Michelle Keahey |
deGravelles After falling 20 feet from safety equipment, a seaman has filed a lawsuit against his employer for providing an allegedly defective lift harness.

Captain sues after suffering head injuries during life saving attempt

By Michelle Keahey |
After suffering head injuries during an attempt to help crewmembers of a sinking vessel, a captain of another vessel has filed a lawsuit against the vessel's owner for allowing it to become unseaworthy.

X-ray tech files Jones Act lawsuit after suffering back injuries

By Michelle Keahey |
Gaidry An x-ray technician working in the Gulf of Mexico has filed a Jones Act lawsuit after he suffered back injuries when he was allegedly jerked violently in a suspended personnel basket.

$11 million awarded in oil royalties lawsuit, report says

By Alejandro de los Rios |
St. Martin A Terrebonne Parish judge has awarded more than $11 million to a couple in an oil royalties lawsuit.

Louisiana complies with discovery order in oil spill MDL

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Caldwell The State of Louisiana has complied with a federal judge's order to turn over documents relating to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill and will not face thousands of dollars in daily fines or dismissal of its claims.

Boat owners claim BP owes more than $600 million already paid

By Steve Korris |
Haycraft NEW ORLEANS – Boat owners who made $600 million cleaning the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon explosion claim BP owes them much more.

BP directors object to conditions of suit transfer to England

By Steve Korris |
Ellison HOUSTON - BP directors who won a court order sending shareholder suits to England have rejected conditions that shareholders wanted to impose before crossing the sea.

Worker claims employer violated ADA

By Michelle Keahey |
A New Orleans worker who needed a year of medical leave for a tendon surgery has filed a lawsuit against her former employer claiming she was fired in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Orleans Parish worker sues after allegedly being pushed down stairs by project manager

By Michelle Keahey |
An Orleans Parish resident has filed a lawsuit against his employer after he suffered injuries when a project manager allegedly pushed him and he fell down stairs.

White pharmacy clerk claims racial discrimination

By Michelle Keahey |
Williams A white pharmacy clerk has filed a lawsuit against Wal-Mart claiming the company violated her civil rights by terminating her employment after she made complaints regarding race-based hostility.

Texaco sued for supplying benzene to Louisiana company over 35 years ago

By Michelle Keahey |
Texaco is facing a federal lawsuit filed by Tangipahoa resident who claims he is suffering from multiple myeloma caused by exposure to benezene at a Louisiana company more than 35 years ago.

Oil well worker claims company violated whistleblower act

By Michelle Keahey |
An oil well worker claims he was unjustly fired for reporting that his company was allegedly committing environmental and safety violations that could have resulted in an oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico.

Medical malpractice lawsuit filed after Intuitive Surgical robotic device malfunctioned

By Michelle Keahey |
Glorioso Claiming a robotic surgical procedure failed during neck surgery, Jennifer Silvestrini filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against Intuitive Surgical Inc. and/or Intuitive Surgical Systems Inc. and University Healthcare Systems, d/b/a Tulane University Hospital and Clinic.

Feinberg urges BP to compensate companies for drilling moratorium

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Feinberg Gulf Coast Claims Facility Administrator Kenneth Feinberg urged BP this week to pay more than 1,500 claims from subcontractors affected by last year's five-month-long drilling moratorium.

McDonald's, Domino's, and Church's Chicken sued over alleged lack of accessibility

By Michelle Keahey |
A woman with spina bifida has filed a lawsuit against several New Orleans fast food restaurants on claims they violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by being inaccessible or having significant architectural barriers for individuals with disabilities.