News from 2014
Doctor sues hospital that revoked privileges
East Jefferson General Hospital
Realtor sued after allegedly breaching sale contract on own property
GRETNA – A local realtor is being sued for alleged breach of contract for pulling out of an agreed sale of a piece of property she owned.
Father of student sues over school bus crash
GRETNA – The father of a student who was allegedly injured in a bus accident is suing the school system.
Kenner Police sued after officer allegedly injures group of children in car accident
GRETNA – A local police department is being sued after one of its officers allegedly ran into a car, injuring numerous children, during the scope of his employment.
Woman who claims she was bitten by dog sues owner
GRETNA – A woman who claims she was injured when a dog escaped a yard and bit her is suing the animal’s owner.
CVS Pharmacy sued on claims of falsely imprisoning teen accused of shoplifting
GRETNA – CVS Pharmacy Inc. is being sued by the parents of a teenage girl they claim was wrongfully detained and searched after being wrongfully accused of shoplifting.
Sam’s Club sued by woman claiming injury after carts were pushed into her car
GRETNA – A woman who was visiting a local retailer is claiming she was severely injured when an employee pushed a stack of carts that collided with her car.Jane Ramee filed suit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Sam’s Club, Sam’s West Inc. and ABC Insurance Company in the 24th Judicial District Court on May 9.Ramee claims that she was in the parking lot at the Sam’s Club located at 3900 Airline Highway
Attorney sues over alleged dumping in front of law office
GRETNA – An attorney is suing a man he claims dumped debris on his law office’s property, killing the grass.
Bayou Segnette camp subcontractor sued over alleged non-payment of materials
GRETNA – A concrete product fabricator is suing a local construction company for non-payment of materials it provided for work as a subcontractor on a public bid project.
Condo association sued over Hurricane Katrina insurance claim payment
GRETNA – A condo owner is suing his condominium association for $65,000 after finding out nearly nine years after Hurricane Katrina damaged his condo unit that he had not been paid the full amount of an insurance claim for the damage.Aaron Mauffray filed suit against Lake Castle Condominium Association Inc., Dalton Truax III and Wagner & Truax Inc. in the 24th Judicial District Court on May 7.Mauffray
Boomtown Casino sued by patron for alleged injuries in fall off stairs
GRETNA – A local casino is being sued by a patron who claims she was injured in a fall off a set of stairs.
School bus driver sued for allegedly striking child in face
GRETNA – A school bus driver who was transporting students to school when one of them allegedly activated the emergency alarm is being sued by the family of a student who claims he struck him in the face after being blamed him for stopping the bus.
Fifth Circuit declines to create ‘new rule’ in asbestos case over bar date
A federal appeals court has affirmed a bankrupt company’s request for summary judgment, arguing the asbestos claim filed against Placid Oil Company was discharged as claimants were given sufficient notice of the 1987 bar date.
Rain sodden carpet at Home Depot allegedly causes customer’s slip and fall
GRETNA – A corporate hardware store is being sued by a customer who claims she was injured in a slip and fall on a rain sodden carpet.
Property insurer sued for allegedly not providing proper claim on fire damage rental
GRETNA – The owners of an apartment building that was damaged in a fire are suing over the estimate provided by their property insurer.
BP files emergency appeal to U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in suspension of claims payouts
U.S. Federal Judge Carl Barbier
Man sues alleging driver ran him over in elementary school parking lot
GRETNA – A man is suing a driver he alleges ran into him with her vehicle as he helped students into vehicles in an elementary school parking lot owned by the Jefferson Parish school system.
Appeals court rules against man who defaulted on investment property
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals
Insurance company sued over Hurricane Isaac damages
Satellite image of Hurricane Isaac in Aug. 2012