GRETNA – A renter is suing her neighbor she claims wrongly accused her of allowing underage drinking and marijuana use to occur in her household.
Julie R. Hartline, and husband Darryl, individually and on behalf of their minor children, filed suit against Kathleen Robert, wife of and Kearny Q. Robert III, Robert H. Murphy and their insurers in the 24th Judicial District Court on April 9.
Hartline claims that Kathleen Robert stated orally and in writing that there was underage drinking and marijuana smoking going on at a home they rented at 208 West Oakridge Park in Metairie. The plaintiff alleges that Robert did not do a thorough investigation before publishing and making statements to other neighbors and the Oakridge Park Homeowners Association about activities she believed were going on at the plaintiffs’ property.
The plaintiffs’ claim that when the home’s owner inquired about the allegations Robert retracted her earlier statements.
The defendant is accused of making false and defamatory statements, unprivileged publications and publishing and broadcasting information to the homeowners in the community.
An unspecified amount in damages is sought for mental suffering, damage to reputation, loss of personal and professional reputation, damage to the reputation of her children, loss of standing and scorn of members of the community.
The plaintiffs are represented by attorney Thomas A. Gennusa of Metairie.
The case has been assigned to Division A Judge Raymond S. Steib Jr.
Case no. 737-265.
Neighbor claiming she smelled marijuana sued on defamation claims