
News published on Louisiana Record in May 2014


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

News from May 2014

Jogger who slipped on slick road paint sues parish

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A jogger who claims he was injured after slipping on road paint while out running is suing Jefferson Parish for his injuries.

Bill placing limitations on contingency fee attorneys for Attorney General’s Office passes

By Louisiana Record reports |
Louisiana Attorney General James "Buddy" Caldwell

Gas station employee sues customer who allegedly struck her with vehicle

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A gas station employee is suing a customer for alleged injuries she received when he ran into her with his vehicle.

Subcontractor sued for defective work and allegedly stealing property after contract termination

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A construction company is suing a subcontractor for alleged defective work on two construction projects.

State Farm sued over Hurricane Isaac damages

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local woman is suing her insurance company claiming it underpaid damages sustained during Hurricane Isaac.

Homeowner, Jefferson Parish sued by woman who tripped and fell on sidewalk

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A woman who claims she was injured in a trip and fall on a section of broken sidewalk is suing the parish where the incident allegedly occurred as well as the homeowner whose home the sidewalk was located in front of.

Walker Volkswagen Inc. sued for allegedly exposing employees to toxins that resulted in death

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local car dealer is being sued for allegedly allowing one of its employees to die due to exposure to hazardous materials.

Insurance company target of Hurricane Isaac lawsuit

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local woman is suing her insurance company after she claims it severely underpaid damages to her house sustained during Hurricane Isaac.

Doctors accused of medical malpractice in case of misdiagnosis of brain inflammation virus

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A woman is suing a number of doctors she claims failed to properly treat her when she was suffering from a virus that allegedly caused her brain to become inflamed.

Daughters of Charity target of malpractice suit after patient allegedly develops abscess

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS –  A local woman who claims she had to visit the emergency room twice due to complications from a routine blood draw is suing her health care provider.

Laundromat owners sued for breach of contract by prospective buyer

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A man who claims he lost $7,000 after a purchase agreement for a local laundromat fell through is suing the business’s owners  for alleged breach of contract.

Landlord alleges tenants forged signature to get alcohol, tobacco licenses

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A landlord is suing his former tenants for allegedly forging his signature on alcohol and tobacco licenses for a grocery store.

Parking lot operator sued by woman allegedly injured in a fall in hole

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A New Orleans woman is suing a local parking lot operator for injuries she allegedly received in a fall.

Appeals case dismissed against immigration officers who oversaw contractor convicted of sexual assault

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A federal appeals court has reversed a lower court decision disallowing the dismissal of a lawsuit against two immigration officers for civil rights violations after several detainees were sexually assaulted by a third party contractor.

Starbucks sued by customer who claims she was injured in slip and fall in milky substance

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A corporate coffee chain is being sued by a woman who claims she was severely injured after slipping and falling at one of its local locations.