NEW ORLEANS – A hospice patient is suing her doctor after she allegedly developed pressure ulcers and become dehydrated and malnourished while in his care.
Faye Bush filed suit against Dr. George B. Singletary Jr. and General Medicine of Louisiana Physicians PC in the Orleans Parish Civil District Court on Jan. 31, 2013.
On Jan. 18, 2013 Bush was admitted to Chateau de Notre Dame under the care of Dr. Singletary. The suit states Bush had Parkinson’s disease and incontinent, requiring total assistance with daily living.
During her stay, Bush asserts she developed pressure ulcers, became malnourished, dehydrated and developed blood clots in her legs. She claims the ulcers progressed and became infected, which resulted in several hospital admissions.
The defendants are accused of deviating from the acceptable standard of care of a physician, mismanaging Bush’s medical care, failing to properly examine and provide subsequent documentation of Bush’s pressure ulcer, failing to take the proper prophylactic measures to prevent the ulcers as well as the progression, failing to timely and properly treat the ulcers, allowing the plaintiff to become malnourished and dehydrated, failing to order supplements for plaintiff to promote wound healing, failing to timely evaluate and order her transfer to a hospital for treatment of the malnourishment, dehydration and non-healing infected ulcers.
She is suing for damages including pain and suffering, medical expenses and other expenses.
Plaintiff is represented by T. Carey Wicker III of New Orleans-based Capitelli & Wicker.
Case is assigned to Division G Judge Robin M. Giarrusso.
Case no. 2014-01125.
Doctor sued by hospice patient