
Barataria Plaza accused of not having proper accessibility provisions for the disabled


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Barataria Plaza accused of not having proper accessibility provisions for the disabled


NEW ORLEANS – An amputee has filed a suit against Barataria Plaza over its allegedly inadequate provisions for people with disabilities.

Lawrence Fultz filed a lawsuit on Feb. 5 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern of Louisiana against Barataria Plaza LLC over alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

According to the complaint, Fultz is an individual with an amputated left leg who has visited the defendant’s business numerous times in Marrero. During his visits to the property, he has allegedly experienced serious difficulty accessing and utilizing the goods and services provided by the defendants due to alleged mobility barriers. Fultz wishes to visit the property in the future but alleges that the defendant continues to discriminate against him and those with mobile disabilities by not making the property more accessible and is therefore in direct violations of the ADA. He attests that these barriers include built-up curb ramps and impermissible cross-slopes on the promenade.

Fultz is asking the court to issue an order directing defendant to fix the accessibility problems to make it useable by individuals with disabilities, award him costs of the suit, including attorney fees, and any other rewards deemed just by the court. He is represented by Andrew D. Bizer, Garret S. DeReus and Amanda K. Klevorn of The Bizer Law Firm in New Orleans.

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana Case number 2:16-CV-01129

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