
Stories by John Myers on Louisiana Record


Monday, March 3, 2025

John Myers News

Ville Platte deputy named in lawsuit for alleged sexual coercion

By John Myers |
The City of Ville Platte and its police department are facing a lawsuit involving the alleged actions of its City Marshall Deputy Arthur Phillips.

Despite ruling by U.S. Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit, oil companies in Louisiana fear future lawsuits

By John Myers |
Despite a recent victory in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the Louisiana oil and gas industry still faces the threat of new litigation from state and local governments.

Donatas Motiejunas enters final stages of arbitration with Houston Rockets

By John Myers |
A New Orleans Pelicans player has entered the final stages of arbitration with his former team.

Lawyer cleared of murdering wife sues Baton Rouge Police Department, People Magazine

By John Myers |
A Baton Rouge-based lawyer who has been cleared of involvement in his wife's murder is going forward with a series of lawsuits against the Baton Rouge Police Department (BRPD), the local district attorney's office and People Magazine.

Louisiana lawmaker: Legacy oil lawsuits slow job growth

By John Myers |
MORGAN CITY — A Louisiana state representative attributes the state's slow job recovery to its backlog of legacy lawsuits against the oil industry.

Suit alleges Dillard University fails to protect female students from harassment, rape

By John Myers |
NEW ORLEANS — A nationwide women's organization is suing Dillard University, alleging failure to protect female students from rape and sexual harassment.

Lawsuit dismissal allows Mystic Krewe of Nyx to toss T-shirts during Mardi Gras

By John Myers |
NEW ORLEANS — An intellectual-property lawsuit has failed to stop the Mystic Krewe of Nyx from celebrating Mardi Gras by throwing T-shirts during the parade.

Lafayette locals accuse VPPD of violating their constitutional rights

By John Myers |
LAFAYETTE — Three Lafayette residents are accusing the Ville Platte Police Department of violating their constitutional rights — and their lawyer wants to see better treatment for all the area's citizens through a lawsuit.

Lawsuit alleges that I-12 expressway may have contributed to flood damage

By John Myers |
LIVINGSTON — A storm of controversy is surrounding the role a Louisiana expressway median may have played in the damage caused by 2016 flooding,

Auto-body shop's claim against insurance industry hits skids

By John Myers |
ORLANDO – A lawsuit alleging that insurance companies, including State Farm, are pressuring auto body and repair shops to use substandard parts hit the skids in the 11th Circuit Court.