

Monday, September 30, 2024

News from 2011

USPS sued over carrier's collision with motorist

By Michelle Massey |
An Orleans Parish resident is suing the U.S. Postal Service after his vehicle was struck by a postal vehicle which allegedly failed to stop at a stop sign.

Plaintiffs reassure state governments and municipalities of their sovereignty in BP MDL

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Strange Speaking at a Feb. 25 status conference for the multidistrict litigation (MDL) surrounding the BP oil spill, plaintiff attorneys sought to reassure states and municipalities of their sovereignty when it comes to filing claims.

Lawsuit claims Feinberg and GCCF have committed negligence and fraud

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Feinberg A lawsuit filed against the Gulf Coast Claims Fund (GCCF) and its administrator Kenneth Feinberg alleges that he and his firm have committed fraud, gross negligence, fraudulent inducement and unjust enrichment through the BP oil spill claims process.

Defendant insurers quarrel over coverage in BP MDL

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Barbier Lawyers for BP, Transocean and the insurance companies that cover them are debating who is responsible for upwards of $750 million in damages in the multidistrict litigation (MDL) surrounding the BP oil spill.

Barbier to sign confidentiality order over Texas City evidence submitted in BP MDL

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Coon U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier announced Friday that he would sign an order that would keep millions of documents from litigation stemming from BP's Texas City oil refinery explosion confidential.

Deepwater Horizon BOP testing should be done by end of week

By Alejandro de los Rios |
U.S. Attorney Steve Overholt told District Judge Carl Barbier that testing of the failed blowout preventor (BOP) that led to the Deepwater Horizon oilrig explosion should be done by the end of this week.

Feinberg questions Barbier's authority over claims facility

By Steve Korris |
Pitofsky Some say BP hired Kenneth Feinberg as chief of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, and some say President Barack Obama hired him, but Feinberg fears he works for the Department of Barbier.

Man attacked in airport suing U.S. Airways for injuries; Singing to music on iPod may have annoyed attacker

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Orleans Parish Judge Piper Griffin will hear oral arguments today on a motion to transfer a suit against U.S. Airways involving a 2007 altercation at Louis Armstrong International Airport.

Man seeks damages over faulty work on Tulane pool

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Landrieu A New Orleans man is suing a pool maintenance company after repair work to Tulane University's Reily Center's salt-water pool resulted in rusted parts, according to a lawsuit filed in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.

Man sues boatyard after sailboat damaged during repairs

By Alejandro de los Rios |
A St. Tammany Parish man is suing a New Orleans marina after his sailboat was destroyed when a dry-land support structure holding the boat aloft during repairs collapsed.

Feinberg says GCCF is OPA compliant

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Feinberg Attorneys for the administrator for the Gulf Coast Claims Facility has fired back at plaintiff and government lawyers who have been critical of him, stating that the BP oil spill claims process is in full compliance with the Oil Pollution Act.

Plaintiff Steering Committee wants Barbier to approve class action notice in BP MDL

By Steve Korris |
Barbier NEW ORLEANS – Plaintiff lawyers leading litigation over the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill have found a short cut to their goal of pursuing class actions.

Plaquemines Parish asserts right to sue in BP MDL

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Barbier The Plaquemines Parish government filed a motion Feb. 18 seeking to "emphatically state and fully preserve its absolute and unilateral right to control all of its claims" related to the BP oil spill.

Jindal and Caldwell criticize GCCF in memo

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Jindal A memo submitted by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and Attorney General James "Buddy" Caldwell states that the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) falls short of compliance with the Oil Pollution Act (OPA).

Louisiana environmentalists say BP has gone back on promises to restore oyster beds

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Louisiana environmental authorities claimed on Monday that BP has gone back on promises to help restore wetlands and fisheries that were damaged by the BP oil spill.

Union Pacific sued after employee prematurely closes bridge causing vessel to capsize

By Michelle Massey |
Bourque Union Pacific Railroad is being sued by the captain of a vessel that capsized after the railroad prematurely closed a railroad bridge causing the vessel to collide into the bridge.

Seaman sues for $1.25 million after tripping

By Michelle Massey |
Sterbcow A seaman is suing his employer for $1.25 million after he tripped and injured his right shoulder.

Employer sued for allowing intoxicated seaman to drive motorcycle

By Michelle Massey |
Delise The family of a deceased seaman has filed a lawsuit against the man's employer for allegedly allowing him to drive a motorcycle while heavily intoxicated.

Houma apartment owners sued after step broke

By Michelle Massey |
Bordelon and Shea A Terrebonne Parish resident has filed a lawsuit against the owners of Ansley Place Apartments after he was injured when a step broke causing him to fall down the stairs.

Woman claims carpet was defective in suit against USAA

By Michelle Massey |
A Jefferson Parish woman is suing the owner of her townhouse after she slipped on carpeted stairs and fell.