
News on Louisiana Record


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

News from 2014

Court of appeals reverses decision on worker’s slip-and-fall accident claims

By Galia Binder |
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Church sues property insurer over vandalized air conditioning units

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local church is suing its property insurer for allegedly not paying for damage to several air conditioning units that were ransacked.

Home builder sued by customers over allegedly defective home construction

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local home builder is being sued by a couple who contracted with them to build their home.

Pep Boys sued after sign allegedly falls on customer’s head

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local auto parts store is being sued by a man who claims he was seriously injured when a sign fell onto his head and neck.

Broken chair leads to lawsuit against Walgreens

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local woman is suing Walgreens after a camping chair she purchased collapsed underneath her.

S&L Steel Erectors sues claiming breach of contract

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A sub-contractor is suing over a pay dispute on work done at an elementary school.

Refinery sued by safety inspector who claims he was injured on the job

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A refinery is being sued by a safety inspector who claims he was injured and later fired by his employer for seeking treatment and workers’ compensation relief.

Gulf region construction company sued over bulldozer rental

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local construction equipment rental company is suing a contractor over non-payment on a bulldozer rental.

Attorney sues insurer over alleged delay in payment for fire and water damage to home

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local attorney is suing his property insurer for allegedly not providing timely payment for fire and water damage to his home.

Roofing company sued for alleged improper roof installation

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local homeowner is suing a roofing company for allegedly damaging her home by improperly installing a roof.

Protective coating company sued by homeowners

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local family is suing the makers of a waterproof alternative to house paint after finding their home was rotting.

Tenant sues landlord after she and son are allegedly sickened by mold exposure

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local tenant is suing her former landlord after claiming she and her son were injured by toxic mold exposure in their apartment.

Let the Sunshine In!: Transparency bill will help curb cronyism in the AG’s office

By Melissa Landry |
Melissa Landry, executive director of Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch

Law firm sued for alleged legal malpractice for not allegedly showing up to hearing

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local construction company is suing a law firm it claims is liable for not showing up to defend the company at a hearing where a $72,000 judgement was granted against them.

Wal-Mart sued by woman who claims bookshelf fell on her

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A corporate retailer is being sued by a woman who claims she was severely injured when a bookshelf fell on her on its premisses.

State troopers accused of violating man’s civil rights in Grand Isle stabbing incident

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A man who claims he was the victim of a knife attack is suing the Louisiana State Police alleging their officers wrongfully opened an investigation into him as the aggressor.

Apartment building owners sued over alleged mold exposure

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – Tenants at a local apartment building are suing after they experienced health problems due to long-term mold exposure.

Cardiologist sued after patient has heart attack

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local couple is suing a cardiologist they claim failed to treat the husband’s heart condition properly, leading to a heart attack.

Sprinkler system at issue in restraining order against local non-profit

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A dispute between the Finance Authority of New Orleans and the Doley Foundation has been resolved after the filing of a restraining order over a fire suppression system.

Private school sued by parents for allegedly providing poor education

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local private high school is being sued by parents who claim they had to remove their children from school due to not receiving a proper education.