

Thursday, October 31, 2024

LSU chemistry professor say he is a victim of retaliation

Federal Court
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A tenured chemistry professor at Louisiana State University Shreveport claims he has been a victim of retaliation due to his outspoken views on hazardous environmental waste in northwest Louisiana.

Dr. Brian Salvatore filed his complaint in federal court against the university and two of its officials.

According to the complaint, Salvatore's advocacy included speaking out against plans to open burn over 16 million pounds of hazardous chemicals at Camp Minden, a Louisiana National Guard unit located east of Shreveport. His suggested alternatives for safer disposal eventually were adopted by several state and federal agencies.

But Salvatore claims his vocal stance led to complaints from individuals with economic interests in the continuation of burning hazardous materials at Camp Minden, leading to a change in attitude toward him from LSUS Chancellor Larry Clark and subsequent denial of awards, recognitions and opportunities for promotion.

The case seeks declaratory relief, injunctive relief and a temporary restraining order.

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