

Saturday, June 22, 2024

News from April 2014

Property owner sued by roofer allegedly injured in fall off broken ladder

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A roofer is suing a local property owner for injuries he allegedly received in a fall off a ladder that broke while he was climbing it.

Zea’s sued by customer who claims she was knocked to the floor by kitchen worker

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local restaurant is being sued by a customer who claims she was seriously injured when a kitchen worker opened a door and knocked her down.

Woman alleges injury in fall out of Schindler elevator

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local builidng owner and elevator company are being sued by a woman who claims she was injured in a fall when stepping out of an elevator that did properly align with the floor where it was stopped.

Homeowner whose home allegedly caught fire suing over insurance claim

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A homeowner is suing over an insurance claim she alleges has not been fully paid.

Man sues over alleged assault; Claims he suffered brain damage

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local man is suing individuals he claims severely beat him outside Jax Brewery, leaving him with brain damage.

Law firm sued for alleged malpractice in pre-Hurricane Katrina slip and fall case

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local law firm is being sued by a former client who claims the firm ignored her case until it was dismissed.

Commercial property sued by a man who alleges he broke both hands in fall

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A commercial landlord is being sued by a customer who claims he broke both of his hands in a parking lot fall.

Bar owner sued by commercial landlord for alleged property damage, abandoning premises

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local bar owner is suing a tenant for allegedly not making repairs to the premises as required by contract.

New Orleans Redevelopment Authority sues over outstanding debt of $138K

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local body engaged in revitalizing neighborhoods in New Orleans is suing a local company for allegedly failing to pay a promissory note.

Orleans Parish Sheriff sued over alleged non-payment on jail improvements

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A subcontractor is suing the Orleans Parish Sheriff claiming it was never paid for additional work completed on the Orleans Parish Prison Inmate Processing Center.

Teacher sues school district claiming student attempted to trip her

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – The Jefferson Parish Public School System is being sued by a physical education teacher who claims she was injured and subsequently disabled when a student tripped her in an alleged “assault.”

Man sues claiming credit debt collector sent lawsuit notices to wrong addresses

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A man is suing a debt collector claiming it did not fulfill a legal duty to inform him of a lawsuit on an open account before securing default judgment.

Planned Parenthood challenge to abortion limit legislation in Texas reversed

By Galia Binder |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

Dentist sued for allegedly breaking patient’s jaw

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local dentist is being sued by a patient who claims he broke her jaw while trying to extract a tooth.

Subcontractor files suit against construction company over $209K

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A construction company is being sued by a subcontractor who claims it was not paid for work performed.

Real estate company asks to be released from responsibility of $50K deposit dispute

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A real estate company is asking a New Orleans court to take charge of a $50,000 deposit it is holding after a real estate deal fell through.

Falling sheetrock injures tenant, suit claims

By Lizzy Fitzsousa |
NEW ORLEANS – A local woman is suing an apartment complex after she was injured by falling sheetrock while showering.

McDonald’s sued after woman allegedly injured in fall in grease

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A customer at a local McDonald's is suing after allegedly slipping and falling on grease.