
News on Louisiana Record


Saturday, March 15, 2025

News from 2014

Computer gambling company sues contractor who was to make wagering system software

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A computer gambling company is suing a contractor it hired to provide an electronic gambling software system.

City of Slidell accused of denying retired city employee access to health care plan

By Anna Aguillard |
COVINGTON – A man is suing the City of Slidell after receiving a notice that he can no longer participate in its health care plan, which paid 100 percent of the cost of healthcare coverage for himself and his family.

NOPD officer allegedly struck by motorist in Michelle Obama motorcade sues

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – The Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office and a motorist are being sued by the City of New Orleans over an accident that allegedly occurred between a motorcycle police officer who was struck while directing traffic for First Lady Michelle Obama’s motorcade.

Class action lawsuit filed in New Orleans against eBay over data breach

By Kyla Asbury |
The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

Tenant's wrongful eviction suit seeks damages for being jailed on daughter's birthday

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A tenant of a Gretna apartment building is suing her former landlord for allegedly evicting her and not returning items cleaned out of her apartment.

Patient files medical malpractice suit against dentist over alleged misplacemnt of crown

By Andrew Stevens |
NEW ORLEANS – A patient has filed suit against her former dentist over the placement of a crown.

Potential home buyer who allegedly backed out of deal at last minute sued

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A homeowner is suing a woman who he claims signed a contract to buy his home, but backed out of the purchase when it came time to close the deal.

Medical equipment supplier sued after Medicaid requests $157K from clinic for using ineligible equipment

By The Louisiana Record |
GRETNA – A local ophthalmologist and the clinic where he works are suing a medical equipment company they allege told them they could bill Medicaid for the use of a machine, which was actually ineligible for billing.

Parents who were allegedly investigated after young child misdiagnosed with sexually transmitted disease sue

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – The family of a young child who was allegedly misdiagnosed with having a sexually transmitted disease that was reported to local law enforcement before it was discovered the test results were wrong, is suing the clinic where the testing took place.

Days Inn owner sues property insurer over Hurricane Isaac damage

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local hotel is suing its property insurer for allegedly not providing sufficient claims payment following hurricane damage.

Jefferson Feed and Seed sued by parents of child allegedly injured in slip and fall

By Louisiana Record reports |
Jefferson Feed Pet & Garden Center

Patient sues LSU clinic over treatment resulting in cardiac arrest

By Chelsea Partington |
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans

Property owner claims City of New Orleans erred when denying tax exempt application

By Andrew Stevens |
NEW ORLEANS – A property owner has filed a suit against the city in order to gain tax exempt status for properties it claims are used for cultural activities and do not generate income for the owner.

Patient sues psychiatrist for alleged sexual abuse during appointment

By Anna Aguillard |
COVINGTON – A Slidell woman is suing her psychiatrist, claiming that he blocked her in his office and “groped” her.

Home purchasers sue after allegedly finding toxic mold in home

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A family that bought a home is suing the seller and a home inspector for allegedly not disclosing the property was affected by toxic mold.

Appeals court partly reverses lower court decision in prisoner death case

By Anna Aguillard |
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Auto insurer that covered allegedly drunk driver sued over death of passenger

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – The family of a woman who died when the driver of a car ran off the road and wrecked the vehicle is suing.

Racial disrimination suit filed by construction workers; Noose allegedly hung at workplace

By Andrew Stevens |
NEW ORLEANS – Two construction workers claim they were mistreated and racially harassed by their employer, supervisor and coworkers.

Walgreen’s patron sues over trip on fallen sign

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – A woman who claims to have slipped at a Walgreens location while completing an ATM transaction is suing the corporation and its insurance provider.