
News on Louisiana Record


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

News from 2014

Woman sues after mother allegedly dies after fall sustained during dialysis treatment

By Max Schramel |
NEW ORLEANS – The daughter of a patient who allegedly received fatal injuries after a technician failed to assist her to the restroom during a dialysis session is suing.Michelle Richards filed suit against LaDonna Doe, DaVita Healthcare Partners Inc. and DaVita Dialysis in the Orleans Parish Civil District Court on July 29.Richards claims that on Oct. 21, 2013, Barbara Richards, mother of Michelle

Whole Foods' customer claims severe injuries in alleged slip and fall

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A grocery store is being sued by a customer who claims she was severely injured in a slip and fall incident.Donnea Collins filed suit against Whole Food Company Inc., Whole Foods Market and their insurer in the 24th Judicial District Court.Collins claims she was a customer in the produce section at the Whole Foods located at 3420 Veterans Blvd. in Metairie when she slipped and fell on a liquid

Transportation company sued over allegedly not paying for bus lease of Orleans Parish schools

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A transportation company is being sued by a number of people who claim they were not paid for leasing their vehicles that were used to transport Orleans Parish school children.

Home elevation contractor sues homeowner for breach of contract

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A contractor is suing a local homeowner for allegedly breaching a contract in elevating a home.

Morris Bart meltdown: attorney attacked at law firm building by co-worker's husband

By Louisiana Record reports |
Matthew Hemmer (left) was attacked by Kevin Quinn (right) for allegedly having an affair with Quinn's wife, a co-worker at Morris Bart LLC.

Offshore worker sues claiming he was overcome by noxious fumes

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – An offshore worker is suing his employer, an international petroleum service company, for negligence allegedly resulting in his collapse and subsequent injury due to hazardous vapors aboard one of its ships.Ladell Thomas filed suit against Tidewater, Inc. in the New Orleans Parish Central District Court on July 28.Thomas claims that on July 6, 2013, he was aboard the M/V Loving Tide,

Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Company sued for more than $1.6 million in damages to commercial building

By Max Schramel |
Satellite image of Hurricane Isaac in Aug. 2012NEW ORLEANS – An insurer is being sued for allegedly providing an inadequate estimate for property damage that occurred at a New Orleans commercial property during Hurricane Isaac.Hiker LLC filed suit against Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Company in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.Hiker states on Aug. 29, 2012, Hurricane Isaac struck New Orleans

AT&T sues excavation company over alleged damage to buried utilities

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – An excavation company is being sued by a hone company for allegedly damaging underground utility lines.

Taekwondo student sues over slip in sweat

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A Taekwondo student who was taking a course at a local recreational center is suing after she was allegedly injured after being involved in a martial arts maneuver.

Homeowner sues contractor over broken driveway and walkway

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A construction company subcontracted to perform sewer and drainage work for Jefferson Parish is being sued by a homeowner whose driveway was allegedly damaged.

Leaking Coca-Cola vending machine allegedly results in woman’s injuries

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA –Coca-Cola Refreshments USA Inc. is being sued by a woman who claims she was injured after slipping and falling in a puddle caused by a malfunctioning vending machine.

Transit authority sued by woman allegedly injured in trip while boarding bus

By Chelsea Partington |
New Orleans Regional Transit Authority bus

Wal-Mart sued by shopper over alleged slip and fall incident

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A corporate retailer is being sued by a woman who claims she was injured after slipping and falling. Yasna Escobar filed suit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc., store #1342 in the 24th Judicial District Court.Escobar asserts that on Oct. 18, 2013 she was a customer at Wal-Mart, located at 300 W. Esplanade Ave. in Kenner, when she was walking down a carpeted aisle and slipped and fell in a puddle

John Curtis Christian Schools sued by former student’s parents

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – The parents of a former private high school student are suing for the release of his comprehensive academic records and disciplinary file.

Law enforcement officer and employers sued for allegedly injuring man

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – Two law enforcement officers and their employers are being sued for allegedly injuring a man in a car accident.

Staffing agency sues East Jefferson General Hospital for $382K

By Louisiana Record reports |
East Jefferson General HospitalGRETNA – A physician management service is suing a local hospital claiming breach of contract.Northern Louisiana Emergency Physicians LLP filed suit against Jefferson Parish Hospital District No. 2, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana and East Jefferson General Hospital in the 24th Judicial District Court.Northern Louisiana Emergency Physicians alleges it was contracted

Soccer academy sued by parents whose boy was allegedly injured by older kid

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – The parents of a Harahan child are suing a New Orleans soccer academy and soccer team for their alleged role in the minor's injury.Gabrielle Laitano and Leonard J. Cline filed suit on behalf of their son, Leonard J. Laitano, against NOLA Soccer Academy and Samson LLC (operating under the name of New Orleans Jesters) in the Orleans Parish Civil District Court.Laitano and Cline assert that