
News on Louisiana Record


Thursday, December 19, 2024

News from 2014

AT&T sues motorist who drove into, allegedly damaged utility box

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A telecommunications company is suing a motorist it alleges drove into a utility box, damaging it and cutting off service to customers.

Chiropractor sued by former business partner over alleged non-payment

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A chiropractor is being sued by the clinic he formerly leased space from for allegedly not paying all that he owed before vacating the premises and using the office’s likeness on his new website.

Aunt sues nephews over dispute concerning family real estate company, accuses one nephew of running Ponzi scheme

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A woman is suing her two nephews for allegedly selling property in a family owned real estate company without her consent and without providing her proceeds of the sale as well as withholding proceeds from rents provided by other properties.

Estess Contractors sued by man claiming misappropriation of funds, fraud

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – A man is suing a contracting company and its owner for alleged misappropriation of funds, fraud and breach of contract.

Winn Dixie sued after woman allegedly slips on spilled rice, claims severe injuries

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – A New Orleans woman is suing a grocery store chain for allegedly allowing rice to remain spilled in an aisle of one of its local stores that led to her receiving severe injuries when she slipped and fell on it.

Cell phone store sues insurer for allegedly not covering burglary losses

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A store specializing in cell phone sales is suing its insurer for allegedly not covering a burglary that occurred at the business.

HVAC repairman sues after attic stairs allegedly collapse beneath him

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local homeowner is being sued after an HVAC repairman was allegedly injured when a set of attic stairs collapsed underneath him.Henry Walden Jr. filed suit against Tanzley Erris Jr. and Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London in the 24th Judicial District Court on Aug. 14.Walden alleges that he was at the home of Erris located at 5545 Hamerick Drive in Harvey to repair an air conditioning

Woman sues for permanent disability after car allegedly impaled by forklift

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A motorist is suing after her car was allegedly impaled by a forklift when she turned into the driveway of a local business.

After hand allegedly stuck in a hole for 45 minutes, customer sues Family Dollar Store

By Max Schramel |
NEW ORLEANS – A customer at a local discount retailer is suing after he allegedly got his hand stuck for 45 minutes in a hole at the checkout counter and had to be freed by the local fire department.

Insurer sued by homeowner for allegedly not covering Hurricane Isaac damage

By Louisiana Record reports |
Satellite image of Hurricane Isaac in Aug. 2012

Shoring company sues for $10K worth of equipment

By Max Schramel |
NEW ORLEANS – A local shoring company is suing for payment of merchandise.

Another fraudulent claim identified by special master in BP case; investigator requests $240K repayment

By Louisiana Record reports |
NEW ORLEANS – An Alabama man has been ordered to return hundreds of thousands of dollars he received in an alleged scheme to defraud the claims program in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill program.

82-year-old woman sues after allegedly falling down five flights of stairs fracturing her kneecap.

By Max Schramel |
NEW ORLEANS – A home heatlhcare agency is being sued after one of its drivers allegedly failed to assist an elderly couple when entering a building causing one of them to fall down five flights of stairs.

Winn Dixie sued for alleged customer injury in trip and fall over pallet

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local grocery store customer is being sued after she was allegedly injured when she tripped and fell over a pallet.

Tim Clark Construction sued by homeowners after company’s work allegedly caused damage to their home

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – A New Orleans couple is suing a construction company, its owner, and its insurer for alleged breach of contract with Louisiana’s Road Home Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

Royal Carriages sued over mule mishap; accused of injury after mule bumped car

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – Three New Orleans residents are suing a French Quarter carriage company, its insurer, and one of their employees for the defendants' alleged negligence and failure to control a mule which reportedly made impact with the plaintiffs' motor vehicle.

Man brings pro se case against HVAC company and warranty provider

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – An HVAC installation company and its insurer are being sued by a local homeowner who claims the venting installed in his home is causing water damage.

Legal fair open to public, sponsored by New Orleans Bar Association

By Louisiana Record reports |
NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Bar Association Young Lawyers Section, in association with the New Orleans Bar Association's Minorities in the Profession Committee, will sponsor a legal fair on Sunday, Oct. 19 from noon to 3 p.m.

J.C. Penney sued by customer who claims she was injured in fall

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A retail clothing chain is being sued by a customer who claims she was injured when her heel caught a piece of carpet and she fell to the floor.