
News on Louisiana Record


Monday, March 17, 2025

News from 2014

Policy holder sues insurance company for unfair trade practices

By Andrew Stevens |
NEW ORLEANS – An insurance policy holder has filed a suit against her insurance company for allegedly using below market price figures to calculate the reimbursement amount for damages done to the insured’s property.

Construction company sues, claims lack of compensation for work on Juvenile Justice Center

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – A Covington construction company is suing its contractors and the City of New Orleans for allegedly failing to pay an outstanding balance of $51,381.00 for labor and materials expended while completing the Youth Study and Juvenile Justice Center.

JazzFest patron files suit after allegedly being injured on premises

By Andrew Stevens |
NEW ORLEANS- A local woman has filed suit against a local festival for allegedly failing to prepare the facility in a way that would ensure the safety of all patrons in attendance.

Engineering company invokes Economic Espionage Act in lawsuit against competitor over federal contract

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – A Montana-based LLC licensed to do business in Louisiana is suing a competitor for allegedly sabotaging their business relationships with multiple government agencies.

Property insurer sued by Jefferson Parish couple for allegedly not covering hurricane damage to home

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local couple is suing their property insurer for allegedly not covering their home’s damages due to Hurricane Isaac.

Worker who allegedly developed mesothelioma after years of contact with asbestos sues

By Andrew Stevens |
NEW ORLEANS – A worker who allegedly contracted mesothelioma is suing multiple corporations claiming their negligence in exposing him to asbestos led to his contraction of the disease.

Treadmill manufacturer and fitness center sued over injuries man claims he received in fall

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local fitness center and fitness equipment manufacturer is being sued by a man who claims he was severely injured when the treadmill he was working out on failed.

Cleaning company sued by customer over alleged breach of contract

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A cleaning company is being sued by one of its customers for allegedly breaching a settlement agreement.

Former union president dies of mesothelioma, widow seeks damages

By Chelsea Partington |
NEW ORLEANS – A widow is suing multiple businesses over the alleged wrongful death of her husband due to asbestos poisoning.

State Farm sued over Hurricane Isaac damage

By Louisiana Record reports |
Satellite image of Hurricane Isaac in Aug. 2012

Patient files medical malpractice suit against doctor and physical therapist.

By Andrew Stevens |
NEW ORLEANS – A local man has filed suit against an orthopedic doctor and a physical therapist to determine if either committed medical malpractice that resulted in an improperly positioned knee implant.

Wal-Mart sued by customer who claims she was severely injured in slip and fall

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A corporate retailer is being sued by a customer who claims she was severely injured after slipping and falling in a wet substance.

Telecommunications provider sued by veterinary clinic for assessing penalty for contract cancellation

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A veterinary clinic is suing a telecommunications provider it claims falsely penalized it for canceling its telecommunications contract.

Business owner sued by attorney over comments made on TV questioning attorney's ethics

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A local business owner is being sued by a local attorney who won a judgment against him after he allegedly made defamatory statements about him.

FedEx sued by nursing home resident who claims worker dropped packages on him

By Louisiana Record reports |
GRETNA – A corporate parcel service is being sued by a nursing home resident who claims he was injured when a delivery man tripped over his wheelchair and dropped several packages on him.

BP seeks return of hundreds of millions in disputed overpayments

By Louisiana Record reports |
NEW ORLEANS – After more than a year of arguing that the business economic losses BP was paying out were overinflated and did not represent real losses, BP has inched closer to  potentially recovering hundreds of millions it says should have never been awarded.