News from 2014
Lessees with lease/purchase option on home file suit after terms of contract allegedly change
GRETNA – A couple of lessees who claim their lease/purchase agreement on a local home was changed over a year after they entered into are suing the home’s former owners.
Homeowners sues for alleged breach of contract for Hurricane Isaac damages
Satellite image of Hurricane Isaac in Aug. 2012GRETNA – A Kenner couple is suing their property insurer for allegedly not covering damages to their home that occurred during a hurricane.Latifa and Said Raki filed suit against ASI Lloyds in the 24th Judicial District Court on June 3.The Rakis claim they had an insurance policy issued by ASI Lloyds on their home located at 3316 Irish Bend Road in Kenner
Winn-Dixie sued by shopper who alleges shopping cart wheel got stuck in broken concrete, causing her to fall
GRETNA – A local grocery store is being sued by a shopper who claims she was caused to topple over her cart after one of its wheels got caught in broken concrete in the parking lot.
Appeals court upholds dismissal of juror’s wrongful termination suit after missing work for jury duty
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals
Hotel owner files suit to force a tenant to vacate the premises.
NEW ORLEANS- A New Orleans hotel property owner has filed suit against one of its business tenants in order to force the tenant to vacate the premises.
Academy sued for allegedly withholding transcripts and not allowing student to graduate
GRETNA – A local private school is being sued by a student who claims he was not allowed to graduate because it failed to provide his transcripts to a school he transferred to even though he had earned the necessary course credits to do so.
Church sues property insurer for allegedly not covering damage to their building during hurricane
GRETNA – A Kenner church is suing its property insurer for allegedly not covering damage that occurred during Hurricane Isaac.
Lawsuit filed against police officer who allegedly ran over pedestrian
GRETNA – A Kenner police officer has been accused of negligence in a recently filed lawsuit that claims he ran over a pedestrian.
Pregnant woman sues, claims she was injured in fall on clinic’s wet stairs
GRETNA – A pregnant woman who clams she was injured in a fall on a set of wet and slippery stairs as she was leaving a medical clinic is suing.
Jindal signs bill limiting Attorney General’s use of contingency fee attorneys
Louisiana Attorney General James "Buddy" Caldwell
Landlord sued by tenant who claims she slipped and fell on icy stairs
GRETNA – A local landlord is being sued by a tenant who claims she fell on a set of icy stairs after an ice storm hit the area.
Buffalo Wild Wings sued by woman claiming injury due to tissue holder that allegedly fell and injured her foot
GRETNA – A local restaurant is being sued by a customer who claims a tissue dispenser fell onto her foot and injured her as she was using the restroom.
Health insurance company sued by customer who claims she has paid $60K in medical bills after accident
GRETNA – A health insurance company is being sued by one of its customers for allegedly not covering treatment for injuries she suffered in an accident with a semi-truck.
Mountain bike rider allegedly run over by box truck sues
GRETNA – A man who claims he was run over by a box truck while riding his mountain bike is suing.Joseph Johnson Jr. filed suit against LM Insurance Corporation, Todd L. Hunter and Atlantic Premium Brand Ltd. in the 24th Judicial District Court on June 2.Johnson alleges on June 18, 2013 he was riding his mountain bike at 455 31st St. in Kenner when a 2012 International Dura Star box truck operated by
Dry cleaner sued by former employee for allegedly withholding wages
GRETNA – A dry cleaner is being sued by a former employee who allegedly improperly decreased her wages after terminating her employment.
Food wholesaler sued by woman who claims she was injured by forklift
GRETNA – A food wholesaler is being sued by woman who claims she was injured after being struck by a forklift operated by one of its employees.
DoubleTree motel sued by guest allegedly injured when exiting elevator
GRETNA – A local motel is being sued by a guest who claims she was injured after tripping and falling while exiting an elevator.
Subcontractor sues after being crushed by sheetrock
NEW ORLEANS- A man working on a jobsite as a subcontractor has filed suit against another company working on the same site for negligently stacking sheets of sheetrock, which he claims lead to the sheetrock falling onto him causing serious injuries.Mark Hart, and wife Marlene, filed suit against King and Co. Inc. in the Orleans Parish Civil District Court on March 17.Hart alleges that the defendant's
Appeals court rules against insurer in case involving damaged oil platforms
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals