

Monday, June 24, 2024

Latest News


Grow Louisiana Coalition warns high legal costs are driving companies and people out of Louisiana

By Carrie Bradon |
For a number of years, Louisiana has flirted with the top ranking for the nation’s "worst Judicial Hellhole," and it is not without good reason as insurance abuse, lawsuit culture and high taxes make the state a challenge to live in.


Upcoming elections will give Louisiana voters a unique chance for reform, LLAW executive says

By Carrie Bradon |
Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch sees the upcoming elections in October as an opportunity for meaningful reform.


LOGA creates website to help Louisianans become informed voters this fall

By Carrie Bradon |
With close to half of the state's 105 House seats open this October due to term limits, the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association see an opportunity for advancing reforms and plans on educating voters on reform-minded candidates.


New legislature will determine success of civil justice reforms, Coalition for Common Sense argues

By Kayla Elder |
The Louisiana Coalition for Common Sense looks to new leadership this fall to advance civil justice reform.


LMOGA's Gray notes competitiveness in the oil and gas industry is 'constantly evolving'

By Carrie Bradon |
The recent legislative session has been a popular topic of discussion for think tanks and reform groups in Louisiana, as there was a number of both good and bad bills alike that were killed and passed.


Louisiana Association of Business and Industry reflects on missed opportunities from legislative session

By Carrie Bradon |
The Louisiana Association of Business and Industry has offered its takeaway on the 2019 legislative session.


Pelican Institute opposes gas tax increase, opting to spend existing funds more efficiently

By Carrie Bradon |
Currently, gas is taxed at 20 cents per gallon. Four cents goes to transportation infrastructure and the remaining 16 cents goes to the Department of Transportation and Development, of which only 1.56 cents goes to roads and bridges. While some leaders are pushing for an increase in the gas tax, Graves is advocating for gas tax reform, saying that reform can bring improvement to the roads without hiking taxes.


More than 100 opioid lawsuits have been filed against big pharma in Louisiana

By Chris Adams |
A large number of lawsuits have been filed throughout the U.S. and Louisiana regarding the swelling opioid epidemic.


Lawsuit watchdog claims state's trial attorneys spend millions on 'often misleading ads'

By Carrie Bradon |
According to a report featured by the Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch, Louisianans have been exposed to more than 250,000 ads for litigation-related services in the last half of 2018, a number that the organization believes is too high.


Pelican Institute reminds voters of their role in advancing tort reform for Louisiana

By Carrie Bradon |
As Louisianans continue to suffer from some of the highest auto insurance rates in the nation, policy and reform groups are advocating for electing leaders committed to reform.


Watchdogs say average Louisiana family foots $4,000 annual bill for state's litigious climate

By Carrie Bradon |
Reform groups have long been cautioning against the woes that are high insurance rates in the state of Louisiana, which is one of the top ten judicial hellholes in the nation.


New auto insurance rate to take effect in August, though rate cuts will be minimal

By Carrie Bradon |
Rising auto insurance premiums have long been a concern in Louisiana, but fortunately there is some relief coming — slight though it may be — to drivers in the state.


Pelican Institute says one firm's premium cuts will have minimal impact on state's drivers

By Carrie Bradon |
For those who call Louisiana home, a decrease in record-high auto insurance rates is coming as a relief, though a price drop is not a direct result of any reform or legislation.


In wake of Hughes controversy, more transparency regarding judges' backgrounds 'always a good thing,' professor says

By Erianne Leatherman |
NEW ORLEANS – A controversy involving Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Jefferson Hughes has raised issues about transparency regarding the backgrounds of those serving as judges.


Business leader says drop in auto insurance rates doesn't eliminate need for legislative reform

By Carrie Bradon |
Auto insurance rates are dropping across Louisiana, a recent announcement from the insurance commissioner states, but the decreases are unrelated to the need for reform, much to the dismay of certain groups.


Auto insurance rates fall through competition, commissioner's office explains

By Carrie Bradon |
For countless drivers in Louisiana, auto insurance rates have long been a burden. But relief is soon coming to policyholders of Louisiana Farm Bureau, the insurance commissioner says.


LFEI executive says potential domino effect of high auto insurance costs is 'staggering'

By Carrie Bradon |
Louisiana’s incredibly high auto insurance rates are well-publicized, and the reality is rates are so high that the state has repeatedly made the list of the nation’s top "judicial hellholes."


State watchdog executive says Senate Judiciary A Committee is 'foil for civil justice reform'

By Carrie Bradon |
With auto insurance rates among the highest in the country, the Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch organization expressed frustration that a reform proposal stalled during the recent legislative session.


LLAW says state's obsession with litigation makes insurance reform legislation a challenge

By Carrie Bradon |
The state of Louisiana has been battling record-high insurance costs for years, costing both individuals and larger entities dearly; it is not for lack of trying, however, that these insurance costs refuse to come down.


State's tort laws encourage litigation, Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana says

By Kyla Asbury |
BATON ROUGE – Jeff Albright, CEO of Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana, believes auto insurance premiums in Louisiana are so high because there are double the amount of claims in Louisiana than any other state.